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Your P.O.V.
We were in the Mayor's office and some of the staff had already taken a sample of (sister's name)'s blood. Just incase, Shirou was there to smell her. To see if she smelt like a beastman. If she did, then she had a chance at being one. But, there's nothing wrong with being a human.

"It's so rare and unique to see the offspring of a beastman and a human. I don't think it's ever been done before. Anyway, let's not waste anytime. Mr. Ogami, you can check her now." The Mayor said.

"Yeah, yeah. You don't have to tell me twice." He said sounding a little reluctant. He looked her dead in her eyes, just like how he did to me. He changed into his beastman form and sniffed her. Quickly changing back into his human form.

"She smells like a human. I can't even sense an ounce of beastman in her. I also want to do a check on that one too." He said looking over at me.

  I hope he doesn't want to do a blood test on me too...! I hate needles.

"Very well. You can do so if her Mother gives you permission."

My Mom sighs and nods. He comes closer to me than he did when I first met him. I was sweating like crazy but I noticed that he already sniffed me and backed up.

"That's interesting." He said. Looking straight at me.

"What is it?" My Mom, the Mayor, and Michiru all asked at the same time.

"Her scent completely changed. Before, she smelled like a human, like how her sister does. Now, she smells like a dog beastman and it smells a little like me for some odd reason." Ah, so his smell is what I thought had smelled a little like  me earlier. Meaning Michiru was the juice box smell. "Are you, a dog beastman?" He asked me.

I nodded and then transformed into my beastman form. "Okay. Then, that means you are half-and-half. Your sister, on the other hand, isn't like you. I'm pretty sure she's just a regular human."

The Mayor walks over to my Mom and shakes her hand. "Thank you for agreeing to do this check for your daughters. This can help us beastman better understand the genetics of our kind."

"Oh, of course." My Mom said, nervously returning the handshake.

We leave the office and the thought of Shirou so close to me runs through my mind again. Why was I thinking about him, and I still don't know why I drew him earlier!

"Oh, that's right (Y/n)! You're almost 18, so you'll have to move out soon. Once you finish school, do you know where you're going to go?"

"Nope." Why does my Mom keep having to remind me that I'm getting old and lonely? My life is so bad in Anima City, I'm going to be alone forever...!

"Oh, well then you're in luck. That place that I sent you to earlier to get Mr. Ogami... Yeah, Beastman Co-Op, I think it was called. It's a place were beastman are allowed to stay. I don't know if there are any rooms open, but there should be some soon. You should start off there when you graduate."

"Okay, thanks for the info Mom." It was just like her to be this prepared. I hope she knows that I still have a few months before I graduate...

A Few Months Later...
Oh, my gosh! She didn't even let me stay for lunch! I was already kicked out of the house with my suitcase clutched tightly in my hand. I have my old school bookbag on my back that I'm supposed to sort out once I get to my new place. Since I didn't have a map this time, it took me a while of wondering around following different scents until I found the building... Beastman Co-op.

I knocked on the door and the same shorter lady answered it. "Ah, (Y/n) it's you! Congratulations on your Graduation! You and your Mom already signed the paperwork and everything so you're good to go! I got your room set up and everything! But, of course I had a little help from my husband and some of the other people that live here."

"Oh, thank you Mrs. Melissa. That was a very nice thing to do."

"Of course, (Y/n). Anything to make you feel welcome and right at home. This way now." She said leading me to a room. She opened the door and there was a big (favorite color) banner with the words "Congrats Graduate!" on it. I smiled and set down my stuff.

"Wow, it's amazing...!"

"I'm glad you like it. Well, I'll get out of your hair now. If you ever need anything just come to me or Gem, we'll help you out." I nod. I hear the door open and close.

"Oh wait Mrs. Melissa where can I get... lunch...?" She was gone before I could even say lunch. I sighed and started to unpack my stuff. I had to listen to my stomach growling for a little while until I heard a different sound of someone knocking on my door.

"C-coming!" I shouted. I quickly put the rest of my stuff away and looked through the peep hole. It was Michiru. I opened the door and she smiled.

"Do you like it?" I'm sure she was referring to the banner, all of the decorations, and confetti thrown around in my room, so I nodded. "That's great! I was the one who sprinkled confetti around your room. Sorry if any of it gets stuck in your hair or on your clothes."

"Oh, that's okay. I don't really mind the confetti."

"I just remembered! I wanted to come up here to get to know you a little better. I know we first met that other day with the beastman check and everything, and I learned a lot about you that day. But... I want to be someone who you can call a friend." My eyes lit up. Would Michiru... want to be my first friend...? "That and Shirou told me to give you this. It's a protein bar."

"A protein bar...? Mr. Ogami told you to give me this?" I say, taking the snack from her hands. I start unwrapping it.

"Yeah, haha. You're so formal. Anyway, he thought that you might've been hungry, so when he saw that I was coming up here, he just told me to give it to you. He also said that it was because your stomach was growling so loud that he could hear it all the way from where he was."

"Oh, sorry about that." I blush, biting into the bar.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Shirou is normally grumpy like that, but he cares a lot about people. You just have to see things from his perspective." She smiles.

I did want to learn a lot about Michiru, but I wanted to know about Shirou too. It would be my dream to see them both be my friends.


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