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1 month later...
Your P.O.V.
A month has passed since my ankle got sprained and it was back to normal. Since then, I've gone almost gone everywhere in Anima City with Michiru and Shirou. It didn't take long to figure out that I had a crush on the white fluffy haired guy. But, he was always so busy, when was I supposed to ask how he felt about me?

Oh, it didn't take long for Michiru to figure that out either. "C'mon (Y/n) just tell me! When are you going to ask him? He probably won't say no..." She says as she drinks the newly bought orange juice with her breakfast. Even though we just bought that one, we are probably going to have to buy another one soon.

"I'll ask him when I get a job. I still don't have one of those yet. I'm sure people without one will be unattractive to him."

Michiru starts to look worried. "Are you sure (Y/n)? Maybe he doesn't care if you're unemployed." I nod my head. I was definitely sure. If I was going to ask him out, I want a 100% chance of him responding yes. "Okay, so what job are you thinking?"

I think back on all of the times that I went out with Shirou and Michiru. I liked the job that Shirou has, he gets to save people and stop bad guys, but it was hard for me sometimes. I felt like I just got in the way and ending up stealing Shirou's spotlight. Like that time with the carrot thief.

Just then, Shirou, Mrs. Melissa, and Mr. Gem walk into the room. "(Y/n), I just got a message from the Mayor. I don't know why but she wanted to see you." Shirou says. My eyes light up, could this be a job offer for me?

"If you two have to go out to the Mayor today, it must be important. I pray that you will all be protected by the Silver Wolf." She says turning around to this shirne with a statue that I never noticed before. It was carved into a wolf. That was interesting, for this whole time that I lived here, I've never heard of something called the Silver Wolf. Was it some sort of God that protected Anima City?

Mrs. Melissa gave us these things that she said would be offerings to the Silver Wolf. It smelled like meat and I was tempted to eat it but I didn't. I thanked her and the three of us walked out of the building. "You know that you didn't have to come, right Tanuki?" Shirou asked Michiru.

She smirked and looked over at me. "I know. But, I had to come to make sure that everything goes okay with (Y/n)." Then she winks to me. Could she be anymore obvious?! I don't want Shirou to figure out I like him yet, that would ruin everything!

"Hmm... If you say so. But without you she would be fine, because I'm here to protect her. Plus, I'm sure she's going to be able to handle this by herself." I really wonder what job it is that Shirou and the Mayor could be talking about. Is it even a job?

I see Shirou open the leaf packaging on the offering and he eats it. Wasn't that supposed to be for the Silver Wolf? "You don't have to stare at me so hard half-dog, you can eat the offering if you want. The Silver Wolf wouldn't mind."

I gulp. I didn't want to upset the Silver Wolf if I ate it, but then again, I don't know a thing about it. Is it even real? I give in because it smells so good and I start to eat it. "Look, (Y/n)! There's the Mayor's office!" Michiru screams as she points up at the tall building.

"Yeah. I think she can see that Tanuki." Shirou says as he pushes past her and walks through the doors.

Michiru pouts. "Always so cold!" She runs after him into the building. I sigh and follow them. As I go inside I realized that's it's been a while since I've last been in here.

We got up to the top floor and I noticed that the Mayor was talking to someone. "We're back." Shirou says as he walks up to her.

"Ah, yes (Y/n). Good morning. I've heard of a lot of incidents where you went out of your way to go on missions with Shiro and Kuro and you've helped out a great deal. The city thanks you, but one person in particular wanted to talk to you." I look over as she gestures to the man that she was just talking with.

"Good morning Miss (Y/n). I'm sure you remember me?" Flashbacks come back to my mind as I realized that this was the man I was talking to right before I found the carrot thief hiding in that garbage can. He thought that I was an officer because I was in my dog beastman form. But, what could he want me for now?

  "Yes, I do. Good morning sir."

"As you may or may not know, I happen to be the chief of the officers here in Anima City. I've been looking into everything that you've done recently to help out the city and I have been amazed by your skills. Considering your young age, I'm sure that you could become and even better saviour than Shirou some day." Shirou gives a deep sigh as the chief chuckles.

"Anyway, I really wanted to talk to you because I wanted to recruit you to the team. Of course, before you become an actual officer, you would have to do the training. But with your dog beastman and human talent, I'm sure it would be an easy task for you." I stand in shock. A police officer is not what I was expecting for a first job. He probably only wants to recruit me because I'm a dog beastman like the rest of the officers.

"Well, what do you say?"

I feel Michiru nudge me with her shoulder and I give in.  "Uh, sure. I'll try out to be an officer."

"Alright future cadette. Training starts in 10 minutes in the police station." He says good bye to the Mayor and walks toward the door. "Shirou and Michiru are welcome to come too.

"Yes, sir." He walks out. WAIT! Did he say 10 minutes?!

"You might want to drink some of this." Shirou says as he walks up to me and give me a plastic cup filled with coffee. I saw him take that out of the Beastman Co-Op building with us but I that that was for him to drink. "Kuro said that I should make it for you, so I agreed because I don't want you to collapse in the middle of your training." I thought that I saw a tiny bit of red on his cheeks... But, I could've been hallucinating.


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