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"Just imagine what they would say to her. 'Oh my gosh you ruined everything you mutt!'"

"Yeah and then they would be all like 'I thought that we could trust you to get those bandits. You were supposed to keep watch all day but you never caught them!'"

"Oh don't forget the little Michiru. '(Y/n)... I thought that you could take care of this. We trusted you...'"

"But most importantly... Shirou Ogami. '(Y/n), I loved you and wish that I could protect you while you kept watch. However, now that you failed the mission, I don't love you anymore, go back to the depths of the hole that you came from.'"

"Alright gentlemen, that's enough. We didn't break out of jail and start robbing banks to make fun of her sad, pathetic life. You should escape now before Shirou comes."

"Yes sir!"

Your P.O.V.
That's what I woke up to. Voices... and laughter.

If I didn't have this cloth that was stopping me from talking, I would've said that those were horrible impressions of my friends. Especially the one that was supposed to be Shirou's.

I was tied to this chair so I couldn't leave. I looked around the room and saw gold and cash all over. Yep, these were definitely the robbers.

"Oh, look at the little Officer who finally woke up. It's almost 4 o'clock in the morning. I'm surprised you slept so long." A guy with bright blonde hair and teal eyes was talking to me. I had no idea who he was but I felt like I had seen him before, and he seemed like he was about to cause some trouble.

"Your so called friends. Have been looking for you all night. Not only have you failed the mission, not only will you lose your police officer in training badge, but you were also kidnapped. By me." Even though he can't see it I stated gritting my teeth. I don't know why but I was getting uncontrollably angry.

"But, don't worry. Your blood is exactly what we need to carry out our plan. You see, last year we tried to do this same thing with Michiru and Nazuna. But, it didn't work. But, ever since I found out you existed, I found I new sense of hope for my plan."

I started growling and cletched my fist. The first thing I would do once I get out of this chair is punch him in his gut. Maybe it will make him throw up his horrible personality or something.

"Oh my bad. I forgot to say my name it's Alan Sylvasta. And don't forget it." I saw him take a needle from a table and he put it to my shoulder, it was only inches away from my skin. "I'm not actually going to take your blood. I already did that and something else while you were still unconscious. I just want Shirou to have a nice scene to see when he gets in here."

I guess that means that Shirou is here...

"Stop right now Sylvasta!" I heard another voice shout from the doorway. "How did you get out of prison?"

"Don't worry about how I broke out Shiro. But, do you happen to be looking for this?" He says as he points to me.

"(Y/n). I'll give you all the money in this room if you kill that man." I start laughing, did he really think I was going to kill Shirou?

"Why are you bringing (Y/n) into this?! She has nothing to do with what's between us."

Alan smirks. "Yes she does. I know how precious she is to you and I know that if I made her attack you, you wouldn't attack back. So, (Y/n). It would be nice if you would attack him now." I kept laughing. Was he stupid? I'm not going to hurt Shirou and I couldn't even if I wanted to. I'm tied to a chair, remember?

"I said stop laughing and attack!!" His voice sounded way more serious and I felt my body tense up. I stopped laughing.

Shirou's P.O.V.
I'm too late. He already injected his own blood into (Y/n). Now that she had part of his powers mixed in with her own she could probably hurt me really badly if she wanted to.

And Alan was right. No matter how much I wanted to, I can't hurt her. I said to myself that I would protect her and I wasn't going back on that.

"Alright. Enjoy this moment Shirou. I think that geting killed by someone you care about is the best way to die. See you." Did Alan forget that I was immortal? Or does (Y/n) actually have enough power to kill me? Alan then ran out of the room and down the hallway. At the end of it was a ladder, and he was going to try and escape by going to the roof.

I turn into my beastman form and put all of my attention on (Y/n). She was more important to worry about than Alan.

Alan's P.O.V.
"Yes, yes, I have it! (Y/n)'s blood! No more Shirou, no more beastman, no more jail, and no more Anima City!" I happily said as I made my way up the ladder to the roof. No one could stop me.

"Freeze Sylvasta! Put your hands up, this is the Anima City police!"


Shirou's P.O.V.
I know that I'm immortal and she can't actually kill me. But the damage she's done to me is slowing me down. Soon I'll have no choice but to go into my Ginrou form.

I'm just afraid. If I transfrom I can go crazy just like how she is, but I can kill her. And I defenitly don't want to do that. How else could I get her to stop her rampage?

I sigh. I have no choice transform into Ginrou.

I'm sorry, (Y/n).

I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.

I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you.

...I'm sorry that I might kill you...


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