5: Left Wanting

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Chapter 5: Left Wanting (Devon's POV)

As I walked into the tent Grace waved me over. She gave me a look of disapproval. She frowned as she said. "So you forgot the rules, huh."

"What? I'm only taking what is mine, I'm taking her with me, only fought to protect her from another wolf and I brought her back here to check her out." I shot back.

"Yes, but you forgot to be gentle with her. Devon, look at the state of her. That poor girl was already broken enough before you ran her through. Abusive asshole father, I tell you I have a mind to hunt him down and give him a taste of his own medicine. Alpha Richard needs to tame his Pack's beasts. And you need to tame yours. She bleeding, passed out, and has a few more bruises than when she entered." She scolded.

"So Ummm... can you tell me her name?" I asked kind of ashamed.

"Really Dev, fine, her name is Izzabella Nicolette Davis. She just turned 18 today, and I'm pretty sure you took her innocence without even a second thought. You didn't even ask her name. Men are pigs. Devon, do me a favor when you leave with her, be nice. Don't treat her like her father did. She has been a beaten slave her whole life." Grace told me finishing in a low voice.

"I can't say that I am going to be the best mate, but I would never put my hands on her in anger. I have some friends in Alpha Richards territory, I think her dad is about to have a bad time coming his way." I growled as I looked over at her sadly. "This is not what I wanted, and life with me will not be a fairytale. I can promise you it will be better than where she came from."

"Alright Dev, you are all set to take her home. She is officially yours."

I readjusted her on my shoulder as I stepped out of the tent. After a few steps, I felt her shift on my arm and I knew she was awake.

As I approached the car Jax got out and opened the door for us.

"Dev, what the hell? Who is she? Why is do I see blood, and why does it look like she is covered in bruises?" He asked while his mouth was hanging open.

I growled back at him "Fucking mates! Jax remember who you are talking to. I found my mate. I am taking her back with us, so the Elders will get off my dick. I don't even know her name, nor do I care. As to your other questions. The blood looks to be from me taking her virginity. It seems I may have enjoyed it more than she did. The bruises, well I may have added a new one or two from fucking her into a tree, but the rest look like she came with them."

I mind-linked him so Izza couldn't hear "Just leave it, for now, we'll talk about this later." I hate that I hurt her. I just can't do this. My wolf is mad at me. I just wanted to come and take a nap. Now I have a marked mate. I am so fucked.

"Yes Alpha, I'm sorry, she was a bit of a site to take in is all." Jax groveled.

We laid her out on the seat furthest from us and started to talk through the mind link.

"Ok man spill what happened out there?"

"Dex fucking happened. The asshole has been hiding from me that he wanted his mate. I thought I was going to go take a nap under a tree, and the moment I changed he went on the hunt. Just my luck, my uncle talked me into coming to The Claiming on the day my mate turned 18." I looked over and saw she was asleep, good, I had been feeling a little awkward now. Not a feeling I was used to. I continued my story out loud. "When we found her another wolf was stalking her, and he tried to have her. Dex couldn't take that. I'm pretty sure he was dead before he hit the ground. Then Izza said she was ours, and he, no we lost it. We were not the nicest when we slammed into her stealing her virginity. It felt amazing, then Dex forced control. By the time I was back, we had claimed, mated, and marked her.

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