22: Waiting

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Chapter 22: Waiting (Devon’s POV)

The next morning we woke up to the boys bouncing on the bed. “Mommy, Daddy wake up! Santa came, Santa came!” Xavier shouted. Xander bounced and came straight down with his knee on my morning wood. I cursed under my breath as he ran out of the room after his brother. I rubbed and cupped my balls for a moment before helping Izza dress in some of my sweats. I love her wearing my clothes. She is wrapped from head to toe in my scent. Next, I got myself dressed, and carried Izza to the living room.

We were joined shortly after by Kelly and Jax. I am so happy to hear that they are having a pup of their own. Jax has been my best friend and Beta for such a long time that he is more, my brother, than anything else. Kelly has grown on me over the years and I couldn’t imagine a better female Beta. She truly cares for us all and has become so close with Izza, that I love her just for being her best friend.

The boys tore through their gifts, throwing them before moving to the next box barely looking at what they had gotten in their excitement. We had a few gifts from the pack for our expected twin girls. We exchanged gifts with Kelly and Jax. Then I handed Izza a set of keys. I bought her a Dodge Charger since she loved mine. Her’s is a lighter, brighter blue with silver racing stripes down the center.

Izza frowned at me. “I can’t even drive it for at least another few weeks.”

Crap I knew I should have kept it till after she had the twins, but I was too excited. “I know, but I still wanted to give it to you now. That’s why I also got you this.” I said pulling out a box. I was watching her reaction. I have another velvet box to give her later tonight. I want to see if handing her this box gets the reaction I'm hoping for.

“They are beautiful, Dev. Thank you.” She leaned over and kissed my cheek, but I can see that she was disappointed at what wasn’t in the box. That's a good sign.

I'm so nervous. Things have been good between us. Really good between us. We are just days away from having four pups together, we wear each others marks, she is my Luna, my mate. She has to says yes.

“Do you really like them?” I asked trying to keep the amusement out of my voice. She nodded in response.

Soon after Jax and I had to leave so we could set up for the pack Christmas dinner. The girls would generally handle this, but they are both with pup and my mate needed someone to stay with her, so Kelly stayed behind to help with the boys.

We set up a stag again for us to be at the head of the Pack. We pulled the couches out of my office in the packhouse to make sure Izza was as comfortable as she could be. I can’t wait for her to pop. Her belly button already looks like the thing you find in a turkey to tell you it’s done, and she definitely looks done. She also looks hot as fuck. She looked even hotter as she stared me dead in the eye, with her piercing blue eyes, as she sucked my cock last night. Merry Christmas to me. It was great until she fell asleep before I got to have my favorite dessert.

I love my mate, more than life itself. That’s why I plan on asking her to marry me tonight, in front of the whole Pack. I want to announce my love for her to the whole world. Not in secret like I have always done in the past. I have been planning this for months since she flippantly stated that she wanted her last name to match the boys and in turn mine.

Kelly mind-linked me. “Hey Alpha.”

“What’s up, Kelly? Everything okay?” Kelly doesn’t normally mind-link me so I was worried something was wrong.

“Did you know that Izza was upset earlier?”

“I caught that she wasn’t happy with her presents. What did she say?”

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