9: Relax

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Chapter 9: Relax (Izza's POV)

After the incident in the kitchen, I avoided Devon like the plague. I hadn't seen him or any sluts for the past week. I traded off the boys through Kelly and spent as much of my night at the clinic as I could. It was Saturday now. Time to celebrate my birthday which is actually on Monday. I woke up that morning and the house was completely quiet. I went to the boys' room, but they weren't there.

I headed to the kitchen, and there was a store-bought breakfast of Nutella-filled croissants, bacon and spinach soufflé, and a caramel latte. Along with the food, there was a note. "I know today is not your birthday that Monday is, but it's better to celebrate on the weekend. Jax and I have the boys for the weekend. Relax today, tonight get your drink on and recoup on Sunday. Love you, Sis!" It was signed Love Kelly and Jax.

I sat on the kitchen island as I ate my breakfast thinking about what to do with so much time to myself. I wasn't paying attention to the fact that I was no longer alone until Devon was standing in front of me.

"Boys still asleep?" He asked. I just handed him the note from Kelly. I feel like a five-year-old but yep I'm going with the silent treatment.

"Nice. So what are you going to do with your weekend off." Not spending it with you.

I shrugged. He growled.

"Izza, talk to me. You have barely spoken three words to me since you ran out of here last week. This is the longest we have been in the same room together." He pulled me into his arms and I tried to push him back, but I might as well be trying to push a tank. It also doesn't help that my wolf is pushing me into his embrace. She wants to nuzzle her mate.

"So I'm Izza again," I said trying not to melt into his embrace. Damn mate bond. Damn Bella.

"Izza, it wasn't what it looked like okay. I'm sorry that I gave you the wrong impression. It was never my intention to hurt you."

"That's just it. You never intend to hurt me, but that's all you have ever done. If it weren't for the twins. I think I would have been better off returning to my father. To be sold to a stranger. It would be better than watching the other half of my heart parade around here with the entire unmated female portion of the pack. The boys are the only reason why I haven't tried to find a way the sever the bond and go home."

"Izza your Father is..." I know what he did. It doesn't make up for all the other shit he has done.

"I know Jax told me what you had your friends do. And, sadly, that is all you took from that point of the conversation. I know that all I have left is Xander and Xavier. Some days I want to hate you but I can't. I'm just done is all, so can you please let me go. I'm going to follow Kelly's instructions for my birthday weekend. I'm going to go relax." Devon took a step back so I could slide off the counter. It still put me way too close to his body for comfort.

I looked up into Devon's eyes, and he looked like he was going to say something. He opened his mouth and closed it. Seems like I've left the Alpha speechless. Placing both of his hands on the island he pressed his face into the crook of my neck and took deep breaths trying to calm Dexter down. I know that even the thought of me severing the bond with them had Dex going crazy.

A severing is very painful and more often leads to death for those that bear the mating mark. I've looked into it. It is not pretty. Dex loves my wolf, even if Devon doesn't love me. I tried to move away from him, but he growls, so I stayed where I was until he straightened up. This time when I went to move away he didn't stop me.

I headed to my room and took a shower. I let myself cry. I cry because there is nothing else I can do. No matter what he does to me I still love him. I still want to be with him. He is still a part of me. I just keep hoping for one day. Since last week though I feel like "One day, someday" is never going to happen.

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