14 - The Dire Wolf King - Part 1

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<Zia's POV>

When I was reincarnated into this world, I thought I could lead a normal life, yet I was a God and of course a vampire.

But I still held the shimmer of hope I could just ignore it, then my parents died, then we were in an adventures guild.

And finally I was married to a succubus with a God trapped in the cave just behind me, who was captured by my two Low God servants...

What is my life? A failure? Well hey, at least I'm not some great villain yet... I'm probably going to be a villain.

Why can't I just have a peaceful life, with no hardships! Just a chill life in a nice human village, with nice parents, no problems, just a small village.

Instead I was born in a vampire village as the most powerful being, my parents then killed, I was forced to live in the forest with my brother who died.


I would have preferred to still be in that hospital bed, at least then I can just sleep and not worry about some random wolf breaking my legs and running of with them, though the food tastes like a mixture of wet cardboard and sea water there...

Or was it because my taste buds were broken or something?

Maybe it would be nice to have some sort of pet...

What if there was a puppy Dire Wolf! But we killed them all, no puppy's either...

Who would have thought that a fantasy world could be boring...

I mean who would think that when I died I would get Reincarnated As My Vampire Goddess, I mean you, reader what would you do if, I don't know some guy walks in with a gun and just shoots you, then soon Later your a damn baby with vampire parents?

Become really powerful and become a hero? What a boring and generic idea, my God, look at me, I took a step further and became a God!


It's so damn boring! Maybe I should really reset the world?

Wait that's murdering like billions of people! Well I say that but I feel nothing talking about it.

Stupid vampire instincts!

But if I am being honest it's better than nothing, or I could restore balance to the world.

So its between a reset or fixing this world...

Reset would be easier, but also done in a couple months or maybe years.

While balance could take a couple centuries at most...

Easy! I'll go to sleep then make a choice!

Well, I wish I could but I should probably deal with the massive pack of Dire Wolves surrounding the cave right now, don't want to lose my legs yet.

And yes, I was daydreaming while preparing to mass murder some poor wolves, don't you?

Time to use the spear, could be fun!

As I readied the flaming spear, I walked out from the mouth of the cave after leaving poor Zlyia confused and still tied up on the floor.

As soon as the moon glistened on my eyes, a deafening eruption of howls pierced my skull and destroyed my ears, nice, the improved hearing really does wonders for my senses, guess I'm down to four.

I looked around, in front of me I spotted around five with two flanking the sides of them, behind me was a single wolf, most likely weaker than the others.

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