19 - Don't Worry I Won't Bite

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I feel like a normal human be-
Sorry, Elf..


I'm growing taller.. Thank the Gods! I won't be a child my whole life! I thought the author was going do that crappy trope as well!

Anyway! I don't feel like an Over Powered Vampire God! Finally! I can't crush an entire house with just a punch! I think I can do that... I don't know I haven't recently crushed any houses since, let me see...

Oh never! I'm not some murderer! Well actually I have murdered some people... We don't talk abou that! We don't talk about alot of things do we? Is this called ignoring all weird and illegal things I do? Yes, got a problem with it!

Anyway back to my actual life instead of just talking to myself!

"You might want to change your name, they probably remember Zia, but fret not I have already made a name just for you! Zaleria or shortened Zal! Don't you just love it!" Jia squealed as soon as I began listening, what the hell is wrong with my servants? What did I do wrong?

"Oh yeah sure..." Is this what it feels like to be a parent questioning her children? I'm a horrible parent, I can imagine it now, instead of the dad leaving it's the Mum who didn't go get the milk but instead travelled to another world, that is before she came back and kidnapped one of her children leaving him in a cave, responsibility is my passion.

"Me and my sister can hide in your shadow with the Succubus if you want, I assume you want to keep Uruishi with you? Though he will probably have to change size," Ari followed on after her sister.

He can change size? What? That is so dumb! I feel like everyone is hiding something from me!

Uruishi then broke my mind by changing his size to that of an average wolf before both sisters dragged the Succubus into my shadow sinking into the ground.
Why did I get reincarnated into this world again?

Guess I have to go to the village now.

Dumb reincarnation, now I wish k could just chill in an empty abyss...

I slowly walked through the forest and into the opening around the village, I looked down where instead of a pale white hand I saw the normal colour of an elf, I think, I have personally never seen an elf so why would I know, I may have drawn them, but that was when I was around nine in school while bored. I also realised hoe high off the ground I now felt, it seemed like I was around 5'4 so around the average height of a woman, I think, I can't remember and it might change for elves.

Patting Uruishi's head I sped up to a gentle jog, an actual jog that doesn't go faster than an average car, what a world I live in...


Why! Past me why! And author what is wrong with you! Next thing you know it there's going to be the cliche adventurer's guild with one guy in it, you can't make any idea yourself can you! I could probably write better than you! That's why I was so good in english class...

Well hey, I got ran over by a car! You probably didn't and I got reincarnated while you sit there writing a story where half of it is bullying yourself!
Anyway where am I? Why is there a wolf next to me? Oh yeah, the story thing!

We began closing in on the village and I saw people looking out from their small windows at me.

As I got closer I saw how many people were in the village compared to before, it's more like the size of a small town, I wonder why they don't have a wall, Donald Trump would be dissapointed.

One of the two guards stationed in the street walked towards me after they emerged from the crowd, they seemed more weary Uruishi than myself, there's probably some cliche familiar mark that i'll need to get.

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