20 - Back To The Future, Of Another World - Part 1

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Authors Note: Be prepared for me just writing what a baby means not writing how it actually sounds, use your imagination!

TLDR: I can't make fake baby noise writing.

Also never been in adoption centre before so if this is inaccurate sorry! And finally, I can't write old peoples POV sadly I'm not 60 quite yet.

<Narrator's  POV>

The story begins with a child being born, she looked not so vampire like but more.. Human? How weird, is this the right child? Let me just skip forwards just to check...

Oh God! That's the part where the truck runs her over, my eyes need to be bleached, the amount of blood! Let's go back the hell in time before more blood, I thought this was just a narrator job not some horror scene inspector...


The small ch-


The baby lay asleep in the nurses arms as she was slowly rocked back and forth, away from her mother who held only hatred in her now empty heart for the child she was forced to have.

She was soon sent to an orphanage away from everyone who cared for her.

As such a small child she did nothing more than cry, eat and sleep, no one came to her other than for feeding, instead she was left alone, years passed by and soon she was a young girl who could even walk!

Truly amazing I know, but even better she began to learn how to speak, but sadly she gained no friends as most people in the adoption centre were babys or children way older then the small four year old, one day she was exploring the building while off on a highway there was an old couple stuck in traffic after they decided to adopt a child.

And eventually after 30 extremely tiresome minutes they managed to park outside of the large building with a small childs gaze locked on them who unbeknownst to her was seeing her future family, and later the face she saw before her death.

They walked through the large open door, standing in front of the reception desk they waited for a guide.

<Gerald's POV>

After the man at the desk called out for someone to take us to the main office we sat down waiting as we both fiddled with both phones watches and of course with our gaze, looking over the several paintings scattered throughout the room.

Suddenely a young lady walked through the open door behind the desk.

Standing up me and my wife greeted her before she led us towards further into the building while dodging the several children filled rooms, today we were planning on adopting a child, most likely a baby, over the years our lives have grown dull, and our neighbours already have grandchildren, unfair, hopefully we can get a bright young girl to bring a new spark to our house! Although it matters what my wife wants...

A door with the words Mrs Vraine's office on it came into view, slowing down the lady knocked on the door, getting permission to enter she opened the door.

As we took a seat in the chairs our gazes fell on a slightly plump lady sitting in the chair across from us, on her face was a smile and in her eyes was a gentleness that even I had not seen before, she must really like children.

She shifted in her seat before coughing and finally, talking, "My name, as you may already know, is Mrs Vraine, thank you for coming to our orphanage and finally Mr's and Mr Feils, how may I help you today?" Hey smile didn't falter as she finished her sentence.

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