Chapter 1

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Welcome to "Ain't That Something"
I'm your host, (Y/n) along with the author here! Hope you enjoy my shitty life!

I entered the school building while listening to my vines.

While walking, I passed Alex and Alois. They seemed to be talking so I didnt say shit. Not like I was going to in the first place.

I opened my locker and saw as Ciel blushed at something Alex said, making Alois glare at him. I grabbed the stuff I needed and closed the metal container after locking it. I walked my way to English and sat down in the back with a sigh.

Some kids were in here already but, eh. These two girl next to me seemed to be saying something messy since one gasped and looked around. Like I said, not my problem, not my business. But I do like some tea everynow and then~

I lowered my earbuds and acted like I was listening to music while these two chicks talked. "I heard Alex was going to the dance with Alois." The brunette shook her head "I heard she was going with Ronald"

Right, right. The Winter dance is coming soon. We got a good six weeks left, why is everyone so worried about it? I pulled out my notebook and did whatever. Doodled, wrote some stuff, messed around. Then a shadow came over me.

I sighed "Good morning, Mr. Michaelis" Sebastian chuckled and sat infront of my desk "Good morning (Y/n). How have you been so far?" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "Cut the crap. Whatcha want?"

He sighed "Well, I was wondering what color would you think Alex liked most, blue or red?" I thought for awhile "Mm...Red. She likes colors that are closely related to pink or red" He nodded and stood "Thank you, also," He handed me a paper "You forgot this last class" I took it and looked it over.

Damn, I knew I forgot somethin'. He pat my head "I'll give you an extra day to complete it. Just hand it in first thing in the morning on Wednesday" I put the paper in a folder "Mmk. Don't you have a class to teach? Get to steppin'!" He shook his head at me and went to the front.


I dug in my locker for my ear buds. 'Good lord, I thought I put them in here..' "(Y/n)" I jumped and turned around "Damn, Ciel! Lowkey, tryin' to kill a bitch.." He scoffed at me "Look, I need to find out what type of dress Alex likes most." I felt my pocket and cursed at myself for having my earbuds in there.

I shut my locker and walked to the roof opening with the blunette. I looked to Ciel "How soon do you want to find out?" He opened the door and held it open for me to come through "Tonight" My eyes bucked wide and I stopped walking "Tonight? My boy, I'm barely around 'er that much!"

He looked forward and kept going "Well then, find out how to do so" He walked over to the others as they fought over Alex while I just stood there, gaping at what he just said.

Ok, you may seem confused so let me squish it down. Y'know how the main narrator or the person that knows most about them is the love intrest?

Yeah, that wasn't the case for me. Yo, my names (Y/n) (L/n), your local crackhead, and I have a quote on quote: friend, named Alex that all the Black Butler boys seem to love. They push me to the side most of the time and usually ask me for her likes.

The reason for the "quote on quote" is because she's shitty. A fake bitch is what is preferred if you ask me. She lowkey even told me that she didnt want to be seen with me in public. Therefore, I chose not to be anywhere near her.

I got tons of dirt and shit on her, but because I'm a sneaky chick, I choose to hide it and wait for the perfect time.

The boys barely talk to me but, eh. I got my other husbando's! Screw them! I shook my head as Grell took Alex from Sebastian and soon Alois started yelling too. I sweatdropped and walked to the double doors, going through them and going on about my business.

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