Chapter 45

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"What the hel---"

Shu covered her mouth in annoyance "Quiet, you're too loud" (Y/n) sent him a small glare and moved his hand away "Whatcha need, Shu?"

"A couple"

(Y/n) looked up at him with a confused look "Huh?" Shu lift one of her hands "A couple. It seems that many see us that way" He pulled her closer, a hand going to her cheek "Have you ever wondered what it's like to by loved by a man? To be held by one.." (Y/n)'s eyes lidded slightly as he bowed his head, his lips grazing hers "There's an odd feeling I have towards you, (Y/n). I don't want it to dissaper. It makes me want to do many things to you..."

"Would you like for me to show you?"

In just a small split second, his lips connected with hers. He cradled her cheek while his other hand held her back as the moon shined on them both. Shu, in all honesty, didn't want to let go. She felt so perfect in his arms and her lips were like the perfect puzzle piece for him.

Just when his tounge went to swipe on her plush lips, a voice stopped them

"The hell do you think you're doin'!"

A hand yanked her back, glaring at both Shu and (Y/n) "I thought I made it clear for you, Short stack! I was going to be your first everything" Ayato then pulled her closer and bit into her neck. (Y/n) held in the sounds that wanted to leave her mouth as the blonde brother watched.

He had that same, I dont care, look. (Y/n) shalingkly reached out for him suddenly. For some reason, that caused him pause. She reached out for him. She wanted him. But, just when Shu could grab her, Ayato teleported away.

Leaving Shu empty, no warmth in his arms


(Y/n) glared up at the red head, pushing him off and standing across form him "Ayato, what the hell!?"

"...Look at me"

(Y/n) squinted her eyes "My guy, I already am" Ayato leaned down at her, giving her that quiet look "Look at me. You always pay attention to the others. You never ask me anything. You never talk to me. You're never around me. Hell, you're around hysteric more than me!"

(Y/n) blinked owlishly "...I didn't think you wanted to be near me. Usually, you have Yui.." Ayato looked out the window next to them, ignoring what she said "I wanted to know why they all wanted to be near you. I thought it was your blood but I might be wrong. You're....Different"

"Dont think I'm going soft or being nice, or I swear I'll cut your fucking neck. But, you have a different attitude. A different smell, a different aura. You attract me but I keep ignoring it. I thought if I stopped being near you then it wouldn't be a problem but I guess I was wrong"

(Y/n) smiled at the red head and started laughing. Ayato 'tch'd' "I told you to shut the fuck u--Ayato, you're so fuckin' adorable"

Ayato stared at her as she looked up at him "I didn't expect to see this side of you. I find it kidna cute, you should show it more" Ayato's cheeks lightly reddened, making him puff them and look back out the window. (Y/n) poked his cheek with a teasing look "Just like Reiji~"

"Screw off!"


The two looked over to see Subaru but it seems that a certain greenette was there as well. (Y/n) flattened her lips once she saw Ritcher. He stared back at her like nothing was wrong at all. Subaru sent him a glare and looked at (Y/n) "C'mon. Your Dad wanted to see you" (Y/n) nodded and went over to Subaru, sending a peace sign to Ayato.


"...You actually look nice for once"

(Y/n) looked up to Subaru and smiled "Aww, thank you Sub. I think you look dashing~" Subaru grumbled, ignoring his pink cheeks "Quiet. And what did I tell you about nicknames" (Y/n) shrugged "That you love 'em" Subaru rolled his eyes "No. I dont" (Y/n) chuckled "Yes, you do"

They opened the two doors infront of them "No, I don..."



Bullet holes

(Y/n) stared at it all in confusion "What the he--(Y/N)!" A body covered hers as a gun shot was made suddenly. The girl looked up to see Subaru glaring at something in the distance, her body pressed against his "Damn..Where did they all go?" Just when he went to stand, a kiss was planted on his cheek. He froze and blushed as she smiled at him "My Knight in shining armor" The albino scoffed as his cheeks heated.


A gasping sound was heard as well as the taps of shoes. The two looked back to see Reiji and a man behind him, gasping for air as a sword sat in his chest. He saw (Y/n) and nodded but felt a pain in his chest for seeing her so close to the albino "Their after her. They want to bring this place down. Follow me, the others are down the hall"

Subaru nodded and let the girl go, both of them running down the hall with Reiji to find the others.


(Y/n) yanked Yui away as a bullet grazed the wall by her head. Yui looked around, scared for her life as the Brothers fought off the people near them. (Y/n) grasped her shoulders "Chick, you ok?"

Yui nervous nodded "Yes, I am. B-But, what's going on?" She gasped as someone ran to them from behind (Y/n). The girl growled and turned back, lifting her leg as she kicked the intruder back. Something had yanked the bed of her dress as her leg came back down. (Y/n) grumbled and yanked her dress back, the end ripping off and tearing below her knee slightly.

"(L/n)-Chan! Your dres--It's ok, c'mon, I'll help you get to safety"

The girl grabbed her firend and dragged her away as the Brothers moved forward.


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