Chapter 12

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Elizabeth's face faltered "W-What?" Ciel still looked stone faced as he looked at her "I'm breaking up with you. I'm sorry.."

"Either he's hiding something from you or he just wants to be left alone"

A tear rolled down her cheek. All the sacrifices, all the parties, all the fun.

Edward growled "How dare you! You should feel blessed to have Lizzie in your life! Yo--I have a right to not be with someone if I don't want to, our relationship has fallen off either way."

"You never wanted us to be together anyway, why're you complaining?" Ciel turned to the door "Good day, cousins" As soon as the door closed, Elizabeth fell to the floor crying her eyes out while her brother comforted her.


After the spider incident, Cheslock, sadly, went home while (Y/n) stayed in her room, huddled in covers. Her plan was to hide from the spiders.

Not one was seen so far but she almost pissed on her self when she saw a fly and mistaked it for a spider. Her phone buzzed on her nightstand.

(Y/n) jumped at the sound but sighed in relief once she saw it was just her phone. She hurriedly picked it up and looked around for any bugs and then answered it. "Yellow?"

"(Y/n)! Get over here!"

She lift a brow "What? Edward, what happened?"

"Just hurry!"

She stared at the phone in confusion as he hung up.


(Y/n) ran into the Midford home with a worried look on her face. She ran through the halls and then to Elizabeth's room, finding the girl surrounded by tissue and her brother trying his best to help her.

(Y/n) walked over and looked back and forth at them in question. "What's wrong?" Elizabeth gasped repeatedly as she cried and turned to the girl.

"C-Ciel broke up with ME!"

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