Chapter 26

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(Y/n) gave him a blank look "...Boy what?"

Kanato creepily smiled "Beg for forgiveness and maybe I'll give them to you" She narrowed her eyes and stepped forward to grab them away but he held it higher. Even though he was the shortest of his brothers, he was taller than her. "Kanato st--Address me correctly!"

She stretched her arm further to grab it and yet it still didnt help. As she fell back down, she sighed 'Alright...This may cost my life..' The girl gave off a determined look and hopped up, putting pressure on Kanato's shoulder, and grabbed the small case from the suprised purplette.

She smirked at him and hurried over to Azusa, taking out a bandaid. Kanato got out his little state and growled "How dare you! You touched me, I dont know where you've been!" The girl scoffed "Well, you prevented me from helping my friend. Not my problem"

Kanato growled and stepped forward "This girl is hard to deal with, ne, Teddy?" His eyes darkened "She should be taught a lesson"

Before anymore chaos could happen, Suji quickly ran over "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Whoa.. Calm down everyone.." (Y/n) wrapped the small bandaid on the blue-green haired male's finger as she glared at Kanato. 'Like, you're a cool character and all but... My dude is lowkey rude..'

Suji glanced from the duo to the purplette that simply glared at the (h/c) girl. "Alright, um... Sakamaki-San, come with me. I'll help you cool down" As she went to put a hand on his shoulder, he slapped her hand away "No!" That's all he said and soon, more attention was put on the small group.

Azusa watched as (Y/n) carefully wrapped the wound, giving him a smile once she was done. "There, all done" She was tempted to kiss it like what she used to do for Brookes when they were younger, but she decided against it. Just in case anything grew awkward.

"I want her to apologize to m--" The sounds of the bell excuses them all from class. Suji nervously chuckled and looked to the other two "Well, I'll just have you make the cupcakes next time. Have a good night" (Y/n) nodded and walked out, waving to Azusa as he strayed in the kitchen.

(Y/n) thought back to the events that happened ok her first day and she had to say, it wasn't that bad. Yeah, getting threatened by a bipolar Vampire isnt the best thing in the world but, at least she survived in the end.

The girl winced as her hair was grabbed. The person yanked her back to meet his eyes. "You think you could get away from us that easily?" Kanato had a tight ass grip on her hair too! That shit hurt!

His eyes darkened "Apologize" (Y/n) glared at him "S-Suck..My big toe!" This caused him to get even angrier.

"Kanato. Let the woman go. Please tend to your personal activities in private at least"

The purplette reluctantly let her go, tossing her slightly. (Y/n) glared at him as she regained balance and looked to the bespectacled male infront of the two. "Thank you.." Not even trying to get into more trouble, she turned and walked off. She said that was all to be needed to say, why stay any longer?

Plus, she had training today

'Ugh...Fuck my life!'


The knife hit the dummy in it's chest, directly on the heart. Karlheinz looked to the girl next to him "Your turn" She nodded and looked over where she wanted it to go. She got in the correct stance and chucked the weapon, watching as it flew it's way into one of the dummy's eyes.

Karl hummed and nodded while clapping his hands "Good job, (Y/n)-San. You seem to be very skilled with blades" (Y/n) shrugged "I've liked using them. I dont know why really" The Vampirc male pat her head "I hope you had a great school day today" He's always so nice to her that it creeps her out, they've only known each other for a week and some days but still.

"Eh" She shrugged again and aimed another knife "It was alright" She threw the blade, having it lodge in the forehead of the dummy. Karl lift a brow "Nothing bad happened, correct?" She narrowed her eyes and aimed again with two new knives in each of her hands.

She didn't respond

Karl went to put a hand on her shoulder "(Y/n)-Sa--" She quickly threw the blades to the dummy, both of them cutting through its neck, the head falling after it. "I'm sorry.." She looked up at the tall male "My old school came into mind that's all.." Karl nodded as she walked away and grabbed her things.

A frown came to his face as he saw her leave. 'Maybe..' He smiled at the new thought he had, racing to his colleague's office.


"Oh, (Y/n)-San!"

Said female sat her pencil down at her desk in her bedroom. "Huh?" She yelled out, letting the person know to continue. The door opened and the person walked over, sitting down a cupcake on her little desk. It had a candle in it and pretty frosting with small decorations.

She looked up at the person to see Karlheinz with a happy smile on his face "Your father said you like this flavor. I decided to make it for you so you could smile more" In an odd way, he reminded her of Elizabeth.

Trying to make others happy even if it was a small as a little cupcake. The girl looked down at the treat for awhile and then a small huff came from her lips. It soon turned into a chuckle and soon, laughter.

Karl was taken aback by this change but it seemed to be worth it when she did a closed eyed smile at him "Thank you, Tougo-San" His demeanor brighten as she unwrapped the delicious treat. "Thank you for making me homesick, idiot"

Even if he was called a name, he was still happy to make her smile in the end.

Ayy! Three updates, felt bad since I was gone for two fucking weeks

Tell meh what ya think, did I get them wrong?😬

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