Chapter 23

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(Y/n) gave the school in front of her a judging look. She hated the uniform, the skirt was too fucking short. She hated the looks she received, but, she did get an excuse to wear her thigh highs so that was nice.

The girl walked in and looked around. She actually saw a few familiar faces. Surprisingly, Sauske was there, surrounded by chicks as usual, Izaya and Shizou were there, even the Host Club. It was cool to see them up close.

That was until she bumped into something. She shook her head and looked up to see a shy blonde girl. 'Yui..'

"My bad, I didnt see you there" (Y/n) smiled. Yui cupped her hands "Oh, it's alright. Um.. Are you new?" (Y/n) tilted her head "Is it that obvious?" The blonde girl giggled "I can show you to the office and help you around if you want"

(Y/n) nodded and walked next to her. Yui was actually kind of a happy to see someone who knew how to talk to her without wanting blood or trying to get with one of the brothers.

"Does Bitch-Chan have a new friend?"

Speaking of the brothers, here the are now. Yui went into a shy stance as Laito stepped closer to them. He picked up (Y/n)'s hand and brought it to his face "Would we have the pleasure of knowing your name, Bitch?"

(Y/n) yanked her hand back with a disgusted face. 'Ew, fuck boi McGee touched me'

"Yeah... I'd rather not" Ayato scoffed "You have the right to speak to us with respect or else--Or else, I simply wont give a shit. Now, she was going to show me around so.. Bye" (Y/n) pushed Yui away from the group but grunted as she was yanked back "Who do you think you're getting an attitude with!?" She smirked back at Subaru "You, who the fuck else?"

Before another wall could suffer, Yui stood infront of her "I'm just showing her around, that's all.." Subaru 'tch'd' and let the (h/c) go, turning to Yui "Make it quick"

(Y/n) narrowed her eyes 'Entitled assholes. I thought I got rid of 'em' As the two girls walked away, (Y/n) could still feel them staring at her. She cringed and looked to Yui. She had her head down and slowly walked. "Damn, you poor soul. You gotta get some confidence, cant have those assholes bossin' you around like that"

Yui sighed "...I try but..." The other girl sighed and pat her shoulder "Yeah, yeah, I know what they are. My Dad works with theirs" Yui looked at her with worried eyes "A-Are you.." (Y/n) waved her hands around "No, no! I'm not a Vampire. Their business partners"

Yui let out a small relieved sigh while (Y/n) laughed at her expression.


"So, the new girl. Is she the one he said was coming?"

The Mukami brothers watched as she talked to Yui in the lunch room. Ruki hummed "I believe so.." Kou sat his elbows on the table and cupped his cheeks with a smirk "Aw~ M Neko-Chan has someone to talk to"

He then stopped as he took a Tempura off Yuma's plate. He went to eat it but a frustrated growl was heard "Fatass! Keep your damn hands off my food!" Kou shrugged and took a bite of the shrimp, turning away from his brother.

Hope I get them all right, I'm used to making BB books so, ye.

You can tell me if their wrong so I can focus them if you want

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