Chapter 6

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Seth's Pov

*Hospital Machines*

It was 8:45 in the morning as I sat in the guest chair staring at his unconscious body. He looked so small in that bed. Pale, boney, and a tube sticking out of his mouth.

I webbed my fingers together. I'm pretty sure I had worry lines across my forehead from stress and all the worry for this, for this boy who I've just befriended not too long ago!

I don't know why. Maybe it's because I feel for him, I really do. I'd want to protect/help anyone I consider my friend or worthy for that matter.

"I can't stop thinking about it!"

I can't stop thinking about when I found him on that bathroom floor. Lying there unconscious. Lying there next to an empty pill bottle!

I can't explain the strong overwhelming feeling I felt in that moment. The overwhelming feeling of helplessness, the need to protect, and the need to, to just do something!

It was like an unending movie on replay.

10 hours earlier

"No, no, no- Oliver! Oliver wake up damn it!" I started to panic for a bit before I remembered that wasn't gonna help him. I pulled my phone out of my jacket with trembling fingers. "Oliver Angel you better not die on me!"

"911, what's your emergency?" "Hello!? Yes, I have a boy here who is unconscious. Th-there's an empty pill bottle beside him. Just send help!"

"Ok, sir what's the address- does he have a pulse?"

I checked his neck and wrist like I seen on tv. "Y-yeah. Yeah!"

"Ok sir. An ambulance is on its way."


After that, it was like they took forever to get there. Part of me was like; 'no, no he's not gonna make it. He's dead.'

And the other part was like; 'yes he is. You gotta have hope. Don't give up on him.'

"Come on Oli! You can't- you can't leave, not like this."

Tears started to drop and the next thing I knew...the ambulance found me there holding his hand and crying. Repeating a mantra of; 'don't leave. You can't leave me. You're supposed to be my angel.'

I haven't been to sleep yet and I'm slowly starting to lose my mind. I had to go, I know I do but, but I can't leave him! I can't and I don't want to!
I starting dialing my dad's number. It ringed twice before he answered.

He's sober...for now. "Yeah, I need you to do me a favor.

"Yeah? What is it... son?"
Yep, he's definitely sober right now.

"I need you to not drink and look after Cincinnati while I'm gone. Just for a few hours, make sure she goes to online school and feed her real food. Perhaps even play with her when she's done.

Love, Seth (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now