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The day has come.

Ren was standing in front of Law's room. Frozen.

"Is this the right thing to do...," She asked herself. "Maybe it is," She held both of her sweaty hands together.

As she was slowly raising her hand gently to knock, a familiar figure approach her. It clicks her and she turned away.

"W-waterloo....-kun," messed feeling surrounded her petty heart. "T-there's something I nee-,"

"Monkey D. Luffy," he called.

Ren was confused and turn around to witness Law was kind of acting different. Or it was the way he supposed to be.

"Eh?" Ren pardoned.

"Saving, Strawhat," he mouthed.

Realized the situation, Ren took a step back. Her heart hit the ground, the pain as if duplicates one after another. Cold was felt, she started to feel unfamiliar. Her veins were as if pushed and pulled. Her lips and eyes exchanged colour and without her own conscious, tears fall down her left eyes.

"I-is that so, that's how it's supposed to be," can't even sobbed, she continued, "What's wrong with me, am I stupid?"

Law who was half-concious slowly back, claiming himself. "Doctor-ya?"

"Don't," she took another steps away.

"Wait," Law grabbed her right arm. "What happened to your hand?"

Ren shoved her right arm and with tears running down her face, she left him alone and ran through the aisle for the last time.

As she run through the aisle on her way to the ship's deck, where she first meet everyone, her mind started to click on everything. "I was right," her heart starts to beat faster. "Waterloo-kun," his face was pictured. "The Heart Pirates," she visualize them for a second. "And everyone," people who she had met through her short journey was in her mind. "Will forget me," she stopped running as the door was only ahead of her. Slowly, she opened the door and there's them, the Heart Pirates, prepared but heavy hearted to leave their friend, Ren.

Slowly Ren smiled with relieved. "What a relief," she took a few steps ahead. "If this is what it takes, to leave everyone," she looked at every each of them in the eyes and Law who was just few distance away from her. "I will be glad to leave," she smiled softly. And turned away, away not to face Trafalgar Law.

"Guys," she called. "Everything, thank you for everything," she took a deep breathe. "I won't forget any of you, you guys helped me a lot," she added. "That's all, now, I'm ready to go back there," she signaled.

But Law never opened his room.

"You can send me back now," no respond, she demanded again.

"Look at me in the eyes and say that," Law voiced.

Ren respond with silence.

"Look at me in the eyes and say that!" He said it again.

"Law," she called him. "I'm alone is enough," she clenched her hand. "Please don't make it hard,"

"Captain...," the crew tried to calm him down.

Law clinched his teeth with heavy breathing. "Room!" he started.

"Thank you and so-," as Ren was about to plead for his forgiveness, Law cuts her.

"We will meet again!" confidently he sounded.

"Yeah," half-whispered, Ren answered. "I have a strong feeling for that,"

"I won't forget you," is the last word before he said, "Shambles!"

Ren raised her head and try to look at Law for the last time without warning but rain started to cover her in the sunny Manga World day. No- she had gone back.

With her only witnessing the empty aisle between two buildings, rain heavily fall onto her. With still in the Heart Pirate Jolly Roger on her, they asked her to keep it.

"Please save me," she mouthed, actually what she wanted to say for the last time but she can't. Not yet, not now, a lot has to come.

Ren lowered her gaze and started to walk on the gloomy road. "I'll be waiting for you, Waterloo-kun,"


"What is happening to me," Law recalled himself as he reached his room. His head was in pain and it affects the way he acts, the way he talks and it bothers him. "Is it because I'm a made-up character," he look at his hand. "Is that why I can't even live the way I want to," he leaned back. "Doctor," his head called. "But everytime, I never forgot her, no- I can't," A smile curved on his face, a light, soft smile. "These sweet memories I won't for-," he stopped. "What memories?"



2 weeks has passed in a blink of an eye.

And it is still raining as it was 2 weeks ago.

And Ren, under her umbrella stares at street.

"Everything is different," is the first word that came through her mind. She walked down the street and saw a children in the same outfit. "But some are still the same," she told herself. "Can I be like that too?"

Then she walked away, starting to depart from the crowd. The streets started to get quiet, and more quiet.

But suddenly,

A light appeared before her, she stepped back and covered her eyes from the light. "What is this?"

There stood a man and a woman before her.

"Waterloo-kun?" her eyes was in disbelief.

Then her gaze shifted to the woman who was in black cropped tight shirt with its right arm being torn and covered with her long glove and her hair covering half of her face as she was holding Law by his arm.

It was not long until Ren said, "Who are- you?"

"Let's go,"


ROOM, SHAMBLES! [Volume 1: X One Piece] [Trafalgar D. Water Law]Where stories live. Discover now