(#23) Letters

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"How was your day today?" Father asked as I got inside after Lindon dropped me.

"Good." I said. "Just... good?" Father asked.

Then I walked over to my Father and got near his ear and whispered in them. "It was spectacular." I said.

"Ah! Now that is the way it is supposed to be." Father said.

"Father, did you finish packing?" I asked. "Yeah. Actually there aren't much. You see, there are already clothes at our house." He said.

"Oh. Then there wouldn't be much to pack." I said. "True." Father agreed.

"I want to ask you one thing." Father suddenly became serious. "What is the matter?" I asked.

"What do you think of Sir Lin?" Father asked.

"Uh..." I started thinking.

"He is indeed quite a gentleman. Considering the time he was hospitalized and isolated from the society, he did a pretty good job of being social able." I said.

Father looked at me like it was the first time he saw me. He then shook his head.

"This is what the older generation meant when they said that too much is bad indeed." Father said.

"Wait! Did I tell anything wrong?" I asked.

"Daughter," Father said. "Mm-hmm." I replied. "Don't think professionally. Think in more of a... how do you put it? In a woman's way?" Father asked.

"Woman's way? Am I talking in a man's way?" I asked.

"Ugh... I never thought that it would come to a situation like this. Do you... like him?" Father asked.

Ah..! So this is the woman's way he talked about.

"Rest assured Father. I don't have any romantic feeling towards him." I said and my Father rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me I said something wrong again." I said.

"Nothing. Forget about it. And there is something that I want to ask you." Father became serious.

"Ask away." I said.

"You and Minister Lian on that court day mentioned that you both exchanged letters." Father said.

"Yes." I agreed.

"What was it about?" Father asked.

"I think that he heard some rumors and wrote that letter." I said.

"Why do you say so?" Father asked.

"My Lady!" I heard Belle's voice and turned. She was clutching onto a tray and came close to me.

"I just made this mint juice now. I was about to make an orange one. But then I remembered that My Lady is having acid reflux." Belle said and she kept the tray down on the tea table.

I took the juice and drank it by quarter.

"Yes Father. Back to what we were talking. The first letter mentioned that my voice reminded him of a temple's cry. I mean, is my voice that sonorous?

"And then next, he send a letter telling that I remind him of a rose. Is my body filled with thorns? Well, I guess I should be happy that he didn't call me a cactus." I said.

Then the hall was quiet.

"Lord Aesther, did My Lady get cursed by Goddess Aphrodite?" Belle asked.

"I think so too." Father agreed.

"What is wrong?" I asked, looking Father to Belle and Belle to Father.

"My Lady, when a person tells you that your voice is like a temple's cry, they mean that it is very holy, humble and divine. Not sonorous.

And when they tell you look like a rose, they mean the flower, and only the flower part. Not the stem." Belle said.

"Wait, wait, and wait. Are you telling me that he meant good when he wrote to me?" I asked and looked at both of them.

"Yes." The both said by nodding their heads.

"But you said that you replied too. But Minister Kyle didn't look bothered by whatever you had written." Father said.

"I think he misunderstood. Well, not exactly misunderstand. Whatever I wrote that I meant sarcastically." I said.

"Thank Goodness you did it like that." Father sighed.

"But My Lady, how can you be so un-romantic?" Belle asked.

"I know right. Your mom was a hardcore romantic person." Father said.

"What about you, Father?" I asked and he was quiet.

"Let us not talk about ourselves." Father said and I rolled my eyes.

"Great. Is an un-romantic daughter from an un-romantic Father a miracle?" I asked and Belle laughed.

"Fine, fine." Father said.

"Belle, did you finish packing?" I asked. "Yes My Lady. I was waiting for you so that I can help you too." Belle said.

"That is alright. You can go rest early. Tomorrow, by late morning we will depart, and if my source is right, we will spend two days on the rood and reach the south by third day early morning." I said.

"Exactly." Father said.

"So the, I am the only one remaining. I will go and pack." I said and got up.

"And everyone." I said and turned to them.

"Remember to take loads and loads of sleep." I said.


Everyone thank you for your support all along and I wish that you would continue doing so.

Luv Y'all 💕💕

Last updated on 22-8-2020 

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