(#34) Crown Prince

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"So, Your Highness, may I ask a favor? I want my son and Lady Aesther to marry as soon as possible." The Queen said.

"That, My Empress..." The King couldn't openly disagree with it.

"It will not happen." I loud voice rang though the hallway.

All the yes turned to the person who was talking.

It was a strikingly handsome man in his early 20s, with royal blue hair, piercing yellow eyes, thin and narrow face that makes a perfect V, a look that will make one's heart beat like crazy.

His attire was in accordance with his hair, royal blue and white imperial robes.

But, another noticeable thing was, the mask he wore. It covered the upper part of his face.

Regardless of the fact that he hasn't made an entry for years, everyone knew who he was.

After all, there was no other man in the Empire, who has a combo of rich blue hair and yellow eyes other than him.

The royal brooch on his dress, was just the icing on top of the cake.

Everyone was too shocked to say anything, not to mention move.

"Greetings to His Highness, Crown Prince Lindon, the rising star of the Empire." I said bowing.

He raised his hands.

I then stood straight.

I looked at the Empress's face. There was a clear look of disgust on her face.

I smiled.

I then looked back at Lindon. For a moment, our gazes met. And we both exchanged knowing smiles.

After a moment, everyone realized that they haven't greeted yet.

"Greetings to His Highness, Crown Prince Lindon, the rising star of the Empire." Everyone greeted in unison.

Lindon then walked forward towards the King.

Once he reached before the King, he bowed on his knees.

"Greetings to Your Highness, King Adelouis, the Sun of the Empire." Lindon said.

"I hope you will forgive me for my impudence." He said.

"Oh, it is quite alright. Though, I require you to tell me the reason behind it." The King said.

"I will be happy to," Lindon said and turned towards the subjects.

"What is the age of Lady Aesther?" Lindon asked.

"Nineteen, Your Highness. Twenty soon. " I said, bowing.

"What about yours, Prince Louis?" Lindon asked.

"It is Nineteen," Louis replied.

Lindon scoffed.

"None of them are adults. How can you let them marry each other? Don't we have rules against this in our Country?" Lindon asked.

"What Crown Prince Lindon says is nothing but the naked truth," King said.

"Your Highness, if I may, are they both, even compatible?" Lindon asked.

And that got a rise.

"What do you mean, Crown Prince?" One of the Aristocrats asked. "We get that both of you are competing for the throne, but you can show each other respect." Another said.

"At the least, you are brothers." Another said.

This time, it was my turn to scoff.

"What was that for, Miss Aesther?" Count Millow asked.

"His Highness Lindon didn't even specify the matter, but all of you already assumed it was Prince Louis. Seems like you know yourself and Prince Lindon very well." I said.

The hallway was quiet.

"What do you mean, Miss Aesther?" Count Barrel asked.

I smiled.

"You know exactly what I mean. But I just want to tell that, he could have also mean that I am not deserving Prince Louis, which actually makes more sense." I said.

"I see that it does make sense. We are very sorry for assuming things ahead of us, Your Highness." Count Millow bowed.

"What I meant was, you both are simply incompatible. No one is less deserving. And the reason is, both of their ages. I sure that much explanation is not needed." Prince Lindon said.

"What the Crown Prince said is a matter that can't be pushed off. I promise you, Crown Prince, we will definitely think this matter through." King Adelouis said.

"It is an honor." Lindon bowed and turned.

We then again shared glances.

I smiled. He then returned me the smile. Prince Lindon then walked towards the exit and got out from the Imperial Palace.

"Your Highness, I have a favor to ask, if I may." I said.

"Please do." The King gave me the permission.

"Your Highness, as you can see, Father is really tired from the trip. I hope that Father will be given enough time to adjust to the environment here." I said.

"That is a just request. I don't have any reason to refuse." The King said.

"I am very thankful for your broadmindedness, Your Highness." I said, bowing.

"Don't mention it. And take that Father of your home. It looks like if he stay another moment in here, he might just fall down dead." The King said.

I smiled. I then walked towards my Father and supported him.

"Unfortunately Your Highness, I agree with you." I said and took Father out of the Imperial Palace.

Rais was waiting for us.

"Rais, why are you here?" I asked. "Belle woke up. And the first thing she asked me to was wait for you both." Rais said.

I nodded.

"It is good that you came. Take Father to the carriage." I said.

"What about you, Ana?" Rais asked.

"I... need to go look for a certain someone." I said.


Note For the Readers.

I wanted to apologize for not uddating for a while.

And I am really thankful for the support you people have given me.

Thank you to all the 1k readers.

So, till next time, 

Luv Y'all 💕💕

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