(#56) Poisoned

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"My Lady, we will reach the Palace in a short while." The Coach-man said.

I looked up from my medicine book. Then my head returned to a few minutes back.


"What is the matter, Belle?" I asked.

"My Lady... His Highness... Crown Prince..." Belle couldn't finish it.

My inactive legs suddenly summoned the strength and stood.

"What happened to Lindon?" I asked.

"He... fell."

"What? He fell?" I asked, my body going to a sudden shock.

"Ana, please sit down." Belle made me sit down.

"Calm down, Ana. Deep breathes. In. Out. In. Out. In. Out. There, there. You are alright now." Belle said and I nodded.

"Nothing major must have happened. He must just have over-worked." Belle said.

"Fainted while over-working? Then why did they send a letter to the Aesther Mansion if the condition is not serious?" I asked.

"It-it, must be because, you are good at medicine, that they decided to take your advice in it?" Belle asked.

"Even you don't believe what you are saying," I said, face-palming myself.

"It is alright. Everything will be alright." Belle said.

Why? Why? I just came back from death after I had lost everyone close to me.

Now, why is this happening to Lindon?

Tears started brimming in my eyes.

"It will be alright, Ana. We will pay a visit and see the Crown Prince's condition. How does it sound?" Belle asked.

"Yes, yes, yes. Quickly. Prepare me a pair of modest dresses." I said and Belle nodded and quickly got out.

I then started breathing in and out and closed my eyes for some time to gather my thoughts.

Then I stood up and went to my bedroom.

Belle was arranging my hair accessories and other stuff.

"I will take care of that. You can go prepare some medical books for me to read in the carriage." I said and Belle nodded.

I then changed my dress and combed my hair so it would look just proper.

The only accessory that I put was that of my family brooch.

When I got out of the room, Belle was walking towards my room.

"Ana- My Lady, what is this? Your look is a bit too much modest." Belle said, with a weird face.

"For a noble Lady," I said.

"No accessories? Hair? Jewelry?" Belle asked.

"No need. I am not going for a function." I said with a straight voice and walked towards the Main Entrance.

"Did you notify the Coachman?" I asked.

"Yes, My Lady," Belle said and I nodded.

I got in the carriage.

"To the palace," I said and heard the horse's neigh as a response.


"My Lady, we have reached." The Coachman said.

I then closed the book and gave it to Belle.

I got off the carriage followed by Belle.

"Shall I ask someone the direction to Crown Prince's office?" Belle asked.

"It is alright. He must be in his private chambers. And I know the way to there." I said.

"Of course you do," Belle said and I blushed. Then I suddenly regained my complexion.

I then walked towards His private chambers.

When I got in, two Royal Doctors, His Highness King Adelouis and Princess Velena in there.

"What are you doing in here?" Princess's uncontrolled voice was filled with annoyance.

"Princess Velena, you might not know since you only arrived recently, but Lady Aesther is one of the best doctors in the whole Avalon." The Imperial Doctor said and the other agreed with him.

"Does that mean you all are useless?" Princess Velena asked, annoyance increasing with each passing moment.

"There is no fault with one more expert." The Imperial Doctor said.

"So for a puny little doctor, you are now going to disobey me, a princess?" Princess Velena asked, her voice going raged.

"Princess. There is a patient in here. You can show your distaste of me, but please be considerate of the patient in this room." I said and she gulped.

"I-I I will tell my brother that the people of Avalon don't really care about me," Princess said, rolling her eyes.

"Please do," I said and walked past her.

"You-you." I heard her mumbling, to which I didn't pay attention.

I then took his pulse. It was slow. I looked over his body. There were slight rashes here and there. From time to time, he will take a bit of deeper breathing.

Such a complication?!

I then kept my hands on his heart, where his silver heirloom brooch was found.

Suddenly, its glow dimmed.



What happened to Prince Lindon?

Who did it?

Comment below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

So thank you for all the support you people have given me. 

It means a lot to me. 

A lot of thanks to all those people who vote, comment, and added my story to their reading list. 

So, till next time, 

Je t'aime💕💕

Last updated on 24-11-2020

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