(#28) A New Knight

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I was walking through the courtyard of our mansion when I heard the sound of metal.

Found him.

There I saw him.

A young lad, not more than 20, with sparkling red hair and normal combat dress, wielding a sword.

I then walked into the courtyard. He sensed me when I got near to him.

He then suddenly aimed the sword at me. I blocked it with my index and middle finger of my right hand when it was slashed towards the left.

When he slashed it towards the right, I blocked it with my index and middle finger of my left.

When he pointed it straight towards me, I blocked it with my index and middle finger by placing it on the tip on the sword.

All moves with perfect balance.

Then he used much force and brought it from my side as if to slash my right hand.

I then jumped and placed my ankles on the sword in a bent manner and slipped the sword in the air.

The sword soon fell on the ground, with a sonorous metallic sound.

Rais then bowed to me. "It has been an honor meeting a great Master like you. Will you take me as your disciple?" He asked.

I smiled. "Take a walk with me." I said and he nodded.

"Are you a travelling Master? Do you go around looking for disciples? Will you only take one disciple in your entire life?" Rais started storming with the questions.

"Rais, stop." I said, with a calm voice.

"Oh, sorry- wait, you know my name?" He started to go over the moon.

"Lad, I am a visitor here." I said.

"Visitor? Then don't worry. I will help you find a good inn. Since I am Jonathan's son, they will give you a discount." Rais said.

"Rais, one thing you need to know is that, you have to be patient and wait for the giver to supply you with information. You may not understand now, but pen is mightier than a sword." I said.

And when I said that, Rais stared at me like I spoke a foreign language.

I shook my head.

"So... you were telling that, you need to tell me something and I need to wait for you." He said and I nodded.

"First of all, I am staying here, in this house, specifically. And second, I cannot accept you as my disciple because I myself am a disciple. Third, I am not a traveler or something. I will go back to the capital one my vacation ends." I said.

"So, you are here for your vacation. And you have a master. You are my master, and you have another master, so that master... is my Grand Master." Rais said and I laughed out loud.

"And you are staying in this house. Why?" Rais asked with pure curiosity.

"That... you think of it yourself." I said and started walking away.

When I walked a certain distance, I looked back and called onto him.

"RAIS! You... never mind. When you have thought about it well, you will know where to find me. I will discuss further things with you later." I said and walked to the main building.

This trip is indeed going to be fun.


"Jonathan, I hope that you have not forgotten the maids to not prepare any food." Father said.

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