(#26) Helda At last

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It was late in the evening, when we found an inn.

I woke up Belle. "Belle, it's time to get back." I said. She then suddenly woke up.

"Where are we?" She asked. "We have reached an inn." I said and she yawned slightly.

"You can rest once you get out of this carriage and carry yourself into one of the rooms." I said and Belle smiled.

We all got inside our rooms.

And I fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow, as I didn't even sleep a bit during our ride.

The next morning was cold. It was a reminder that we are nearing the South.

The south is unbearably cold during the winter season. During Fall it will be cold too, but much as compared with the winter.

Spring mornings are cold. Noon is relatively an amazing type of cool and evenings are just like the mornings.

Summer is entirely just cool.

I freshen up myself and went downstairs.

Visitors are less during all seasons except summer. There were only a few visitors and all of them were minding their business.

"Look like you slept well." I told Belle as I sat next to her. "Mm-hmm. I had a good sleep in the carriage and an even better one in the bed." Belle said.

"Mine was not bad either." Father said as he joined us.

"What about you, My Lady?" Belle asked. "Yeah, you look you didn't have an amazing sleep like Belle's but was not very bad and satisfiable." Father said.

"Exactly. You said it yourself, Father." I said.

"When are we departing?" I asked, as we were finishing up our breakfast. "Within half an hour." Father said.

"Isn't that too long?" I asked. "I felt like you girls will need more time. I just need five minutes." Father said.

"Belle, go check up on the horsemen and the other servants who came with us. Tell them that we will be leaving within half an hour." I said and Belle nodded.

Within half an hour, we were on the road again.

"My Lady, did you read the entire way, yesterday?" Belle asked. "I didn't have any other job." I said.

"Then give that eye of you're a bit rest. We can talk." Belle said. "Sounds good to me." I said.

Me and Belle chit-chatted the whole way. Father would get in our conversation at a point, but would get thrown out by himself.

We stopped at a restaurant by noon and a cafeteria in the evening. We then stayed at an inn in the night.

The next day morning, was very hectic, since we had already reached Helda.

"I am very very excited." Belle said. "I get it, dear." I said. There was only an hour or two until we reach our mansion.

Belle fell asleep again. And I kind of knew she would considering that she was woken up early by me because we had to reach early.

Father was working on some accounts and finances.

"Father, let me tell you one thing. Once you step foot in that mansion, there is no way that you can open those books again." I said.

"Come on, dear. This is my job. I cannot run away from it." Father said.

"I didn't tell you to run way. Just to take a break." I said.

"Great. I used to think that why you weren't smart like other kids your age, and now I am literally praying to God to reduce that I.Q of yours." Father said and I smiled.

Time flew by. "Lord and Lady Aesther. We will reach the mansion within a few minutes." The horseman said.

"Alright." Father replied and closed the curtain.

"Belle. Belle dear. Wake up. We reached." I said and she got up. "We reached?" Belle's face lightened up like a kid who was given a candy.

"Yes. We can get out after a few minutes." I said and she nodded.

"Lord and Lady, we have reached." The footman said and opened the door for us.

We got out. We were welcomed by the head butler, some maids and some manservants.

"Greetings to Lord Aesther and Lady Aesther." All of them greeted together.

A wind blew past through us, carrying the smell of flowers, wet sand and spring.

Ah Helda! I never realized I missed you this much!


Note for Readers

I thank all of you 600+ readers for supporting me till now. 

You just dont know how happy I am. I didnt expect it to get this much. 

So, dont forget to vote, comment and share.

Luv Y'all 💕💕

Last updated on 24-8-2020

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