Chapter 4

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Andrew POV

As I woke up I felt warmth all around me and my pillow was moving as if it was breathing. When I open my eyes I see brown fur all around me. I tried to move but a growl and a humanish hand held me down. I notice that the beast has awakened as I stare into its abys like eyes. On instinct I put my ears down on my head and my tail around me. The beast just keeps staring until it was satisfied. Then it got up and off the bed standing tall to only morph into Alex. I sat there around all the fur left by Alex as he looked at me. I looked at what I was wearing to only realize that I now had his scent and fur all over me. This alone made me uncomfortable as I try to hide my ears again. He then try to stop what I was doing.

"Why are you hiding your ears from me? You weren't hiding them on the way here." He questioned. Why did he have to be dumb I was asleep when that happened so my body auto relaxes. He thought that I was comfortable around him is a awful joke. "I was asleep on the way here I still thought I was in my room not in your house!" I yelled that must have done something since he winced away from that like he knew that, but didn't want to face the truth. "Well you seemed fine with it. you even cuddle closer to me when I carried you to my car." He said smiling at the memory. He went to the bathroom and took a shower. When he got out and put on clothes he looked at me and pushed me to the bathroom door. "Go take a shower so you don't feel dirty."

After I took the shower I realized I had no clothes. When Alex enter the room with some clothes that smelt like him. I don't want to know what he did to one get the exact clothes and two what he did to put his scent on it. When I put on the clothes after being threatened that he wouldn't bring my Elie here. we left his room to go to the diner table and eat breakfast. The food was good and the silence just felt right I calmed down just a little. Afterword we went to a game room. "I have alpha duties to do you stay here." and then he locked me in here. talk about rude first you keep me from my Elie then you lock me in here. At least I wont be bored. I notice there was a window and heard some kids laughing.

I look through the window to see the sun shining on the forest. I look down to see the kids that were laughing running around and playing with each other. If only I had this when I was a kid. I went to school that the majority was human, but when I changed to a fox hybrid I got tormented. it wasn't bad just names and no food some times. I never had a friend except mom and Elie. I still remember the mural on the wall at the back of the cafeteria and the playground for recess. I smiled as I remember that beautiful blue clashing with the red then the purple in the bottom middle showing how to sides can connect.

When I look back at the kids I see them smiling at me and waving at me. I wave back with a smile, maybe this place isn't so bad. I hear the door being unlocked and I see Alexander looking at me. "So what do you think of my pack? I hope you like the view?" He asked. " I cant make a judgment on the pack but with how the kids act I think it runs splendid." I honestly reply "Now when can I go home and never see you again since you kidnaped me here." I notice his face contort when I said that.

"You can visit them whenever but this is your home now. So I hope you like it." he said very angry. " I will let you know that kidnapping even if I'm a hybrid you can't do that to me." I tried to talk to him and clam him down I had to do something so what I did was something I never want to do in front of people. I went to hug him and nuzzle my head on the crook of his neck and grinded my self on him. This put me in another bad spot but it would be worst if he was mad. I stopped and when I did he growled lowly in my ear. " why did you stop?" "I'm not ready." So we sat down on the couch I got off of him and started to look around for a piano. I do need to practice.

After some time in game room I asked if he had a piano so I can practice. he showed me to a room where I can play the piano. after spending the day with him I showed my ears and tail around showing I am comfortable but I still want to go home. I can't think this place is home until I have my second mate. At last I failed again. when we went to sleep he had a rule to always sleep in your animal form. when I changed into my fox and got to the middle of the bed he circled around me and made sure I was warm. I feel asleep knowing I was safe with a lunatic that cares for me.

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