Chapter 6

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Andrew POV

A week has passed since I was abducted from my house I finally got my fox Eli with me. I was sitting on the couch with Eli in my lap fighting against a wolf head trying to get in my lap while wrapped around me. It was so cute seeing this gigantic wolf fighting for a spot in my lap. A knock made the wolf growl but I slowly got up and he started to whimper and closing in on where I was. I swear sometimes he is a little to much. Knock Knock it was louder this time. I open the door to see a butler looking guy and he hands me my suit for the party that will be happening soon he also hands me Alex suite. he left as I closed the door. The sun was high up in the sky showing that it was noon. I go to my big wolf and pet him. he started to push on me to get more pets. "No we got to get ready for the party." he whimpered again but nodded and I grab his clothes to put it in the restroom. he goes in after and I hear the shower start to run.

One hour later and he finally got out of the shower with his suit looking nice on him. I start the shower to get clean. 20 minutes of singing and bathing I got out of the shower and I see him in his wolf form look at me with his big puppy dog eyes. I huff "fine but only 10 minutes we got to go soon." he then took my hand and pushed me on the bed and started to rub himself on me. he was trying to intertwine our scent again, for the fact that I wasn't marked as his yet he could only do this every time I take a bath. after 10 minutes of humping me he got off of me and started to head outside like he conquered the world. it was already 2pm so we had to hurry for my sake.

We headed inside the palace. As we did I had picked up on a allusive scent but I couldn't let that distract me. Instead I let it drive me to do better with knowing that both of my mates are here. We enter the staging area and I see the prince with the scent rolling off of him. I shaken a little knowing that my other mate is not only a dragon but a prince that seems to weigh on me and I am nervous to even get close to the piano. At least he isn't like Alex, I hope. I see Alex also stiffen at the smell and he started to growl. The prince noticed us and started to growl I was the first one to submit to the growling contest then it was the prince. I can see Alex smirking.

As the party started the prince came up to us. Just as he was going to talk the maestro came to me telling me that I was to get ready. The prince was disappointed but started to talk to Alex. I walked up to the stage and started to play my solo waltzed. everyone tried to get with the prince, but both him and Alex just started to dance. It seemed like every girl there was appalled about the turn of events. It seemed like they were greatly happy yet they weren't smiling. When my song ended the maestro told me I can go now. This seemed to upset both of them to start growling, but I went to them and hugged both of them. They soon sobered up and stopped growling. Soon whispers started popping up.

"Of course it would be a fox. We all know that foxes are sluts and can't keep their tail down." "yeah that's so true he is only there to satisfy himself." "Man that fox looks so cute I cant wait to get him by myself." All these disgusting things people said to me hurts but I couldn't cry or else I would be degraded even more. I guess I couldn't help it the exit was near. I ran when I couldn't hear anyone's voice I start to change to my fox and cry. When the ground suddenly start to shake I see a massive dragon and a wolf around me. It was like they were trying to protect me from the bad things in the world. Yet they couldn't because it was true. I am a slut I am a fox I don't deserve two mates hell I don't even deserve one. having them near me made me bellow even more. the wolf was licking my back near my neck while the dragon was licking my head showing affection that they don't see it like the others see it. This party was bad all the way I wish I wasn't like this I wish I was normal not some fox that people see as a slut. Alex was the first to shift. He was rubbing circles on my back now.

"Its ok let it out we know you aren't like that come on lets go back home and watch some movies with our new mate." he said it as gentle as the wind and as smooth as running water. Then the prince shifted. "Lets go do that then we can bond over some games and forget this awful party."

We got home and I was still in my fox form. They started a movie and got out some games. the night ended with some fun and lots of cuddles.

Sorry I haven't updated I am just lazy I wrote half the chapter then said I would write it later. Ah well here it was.

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