[3] Daddy

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*lucifers pov*

I walked out the precinct with Lucille. I have a daughter, I couldn't believe it.  I dispise children but now I have a own offspring. I'm going to be a better father then mine, that's for sure. We walked to my car and we sit down. When I was driving, I was getting hungry. "I dont know how it is with you but I'm starving. Should we get some diner?" I asked her. She excitedly nodded. I needed to smile from all her energy, she seems always happy with everything.

I grabbed some diner on our way to the penthouse, When we arrived we sit down together and started to eat diner.
"Do you like it?" I asked her. She seemed very hungry. "Yep"

When we where done eating I was cleaning up the table. When I was done, I saw Lucille sitting on the couch. "Uhm what do you wanna watch?" I asked her. "Nickelodeon" she said with a big smile. I grabbed the remote and putted that channel on. I don't really knew why children like this, it's just a sponge with a annoying laugh, but she was happy with the show. After a while of watching her show she became tired. She crawled up to me and laid her head on my chest. I didn't really knew what to do, so I just let her. Not much time after she fell asleep with her head on my chest.

*No ones pov*

The elevator slides open and Chloe and Maze walked out. They saw Lucifer sitting on a couch focusing on the cartoon. "Lucifer?" Chloe said in a asking voice. "Aah detective your back. She became tired so she fell asleep" he said in a whisper voice.
Maze smirked from the view. "Well the devil has a offspring how cute" Chloe rolled her eyes "Lucifer we have bought some clothes and toys for her" Chloe stated while setting the bags next to him. He looked in it till he laid his eyes on a cuddly toy. "Seriously?" He asked. It was a devil cuddly toy. "Seemed accurate" Chloe teased. Maze burst out in laughing what made Lucille wake up. "Lucifer?"

"Oh good your awake, look Chloe and Maze bought some stuff for you" Lucifer said while letting Lucille sit on his lap. Happy she looked in every bag till her eyes lay down on the cuddly toy, she picked it up but Lucifer took it from her. "This thing is not suppose to be in here" he stated. Lucille grabbed it back and looked at it "but I like it"

After she had seen everything, it was already very late. "Okay come on it is time for bed"
Lucille stood up and picked a book out one of the bags. "Can you read me this story, daddy?" She asked. Chloe's, Maze and Lucifers eyes were big. She hadn't called him daddy. Lucifer took the book from her hands. "Of course I can, now come on of you go now" Lucifer gestured to his room. Lucille took the cuddly toy and ran up to the room. First Lucifer helped her put on a pajama and then laid her in his bed, he read the story till she fell asleep.

He carefully closed the book and walked in the livingroom again. Chloe and Maze were sitting on the couch with a drink. "So you became a storyteller huh?"
"Well, she is asleep now that's for sure. I think, I'm going to take a day of work, detective. So I can get to know her better and make her a own room" he said to Chloe. He also picked a drink and sit next to Chloe on the couch. "That's okay Lucifer. Maybe it's a good idea to go tomorrow to Amenadiel and Linda, so she could meet them and her cousin Charlie"

"Yes, maybe that would be good. I'm just afraid that I'm not good enough for her" he stated while letting out a big sigh. "What do you mean, Lucifer?"
"Well I never thought I would be a father and now suddenly I have a five year old laying in my bed" maze and Chloe could seen that he really was worried. "But Lucifer, you are doing wonderfull as a uncle with charlie a-"
"Why do you say that, because I let him stop crying once?"

"Lucifer your not alone, we are going to help you raise YOUR kid up" chloe stated grabbing Lucifers hand
"Yep that's for sure, I will get two rocks and a couple kids knifes and she is good to go" maze said with a smirk. "Maze one time you can learn her to use knifes or to haunt but first I want to know her better"
"Yeah sure, your kid"
After a while of talking Chloe and Maze lefted. Lucifer changed his clothes and fast fell asleep on the couch.

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