[5] Grandpa?

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*no ones pov*

Almost the whole day past. It was late in the afternoon and Lucille was watching tv. There became a knock on the door and Lucille eyes opened wide. "Is that daddy?" She said almost falling of the couch. "I think so darling" Linda opened the door and indeed, it was Lucifer with Maze. "Daddy!"
"Hey my little devil spawn. Did you have fun?" He said while picking lucille up. "Yes it was very fun. Did you and auntie Maze had fun?"
"Well in a way. Yes we indeed had a little bit of fun" Lucifer chuckled. He had a tired looked but walked in the house with Lucille in his arms. A couple seconds later Maze walked in the house. "Auntie Maaaaaaze!"

"Hey devil spawn" Lucifer putted Lucille on the kitchen and gave her something to drink, first he wanted to give her whiskey but Linda needed to explain that she was to young for that. After a while of talking Lucifer wanted to go but there was a knock on the door, Linda opened the door and God stood on the other side of the door. "H-hi god"
"A good afternoon" he said, Linda let god in and closed the door and together with god she walked up to everyone.

He greeted everyone and then he went over to Charlie. "hello my beautiful grandson" he spoke, till his eyes laid on Lucille. "Well who do we have here?" He said while walking up to Lucille, "I'm Lucille" she said while looking confused to god, she saw something in him. Lucifer stood before her. "What do you want?" He growled. "Nothing much my son, I just wanted to see my family. Wait" he said with big eyes. "She is your daughter, isn't she?"

"Yes she is now back off"
"Lucifer" Amenadiel sissed to his brother. "Its okay Amenadiel" God spoke, he turned his attention back to Lucifer. "I know I wasn't really the dad of the millennia but I will never hurt her or anyone else" God said. Lucifer scoffed but before he could say something Lucille spoke.

"Daddy is everything okay?" She asked confused. Lucifer turned around and picked Lucille up. "Its nothing to worry about, right Lucille this..." lucifer was quiet and cleared his throat. "This is your grandfather" he said a little awkward. Lucille looked at God "nice to meet you grandpwa" she said. It was quiet till Lucifer spoke" should we go home now and eat some diner?" He asked. "Okay daddy"

"Wait Lucifer. I can make diner for all of us. So we can be together as a family" linda spoke. Lucifer let out a little sigh and looked at Lucille. "Darling would you like to eat here with everyone?"
"I would love that daddy" Lucifer chuckled and smiled at Lucille. "All right then we eat here" Lucille smile became big. "Joepie then I can play more with Charlie"

Linda, Amenadiel, Charlie, Mazikeen, Lucifer, Lucille and God were all together sitting on the table eating diner. God sit down between his grandchildren. Lucifer sat on the other side of Lucille, staring every time god made a move in Lucilles way. "Do you like it Lucille?" Linda asked. "Yes auntie I do" Linda chuckled and proceed eating.

When they all were done, Maze walked to the fridge. "Lucille?"
"Yes auntie?" Lucille asked looking curioust to Maze who was walking at her. Maze was holding a bucket of chocolate ice and two spoons. "Should we?" Maze asked. Lucille eyes lid up "duuuh" she picked a spoon and started eating, Maze chuckled and eat with her. Not much later the pucket was empty and Maze and Lucille were full.
"That was good" Maze stated throwing the spoon on the table. "Yep, only my belly is super full right now" Lucille responded. Everyone laughed from her response.

After all the adults helped cleaning up, the kids were playing. Again it was more Lucille playing and Charlie watching. "I think this is a good time to go home its already late" lucifer stated looking at the clock. It was still 8 PM but it was late for Lucille. "Lucille, darling should we go?" He asked, she nodded and putted the toys on the right plays back. Lucifer picked Lucille up. "You ready?"

Lucifer smiled. "Bye everyone, was nice to meeting you" she said while waving to everyone. Lucifer chuckled and said his goodbyes and lefted.
"I think he is going to be a wonderful father" God said with proud in his voice.

*Lucifers POV*

I was riding when I heard weird noises coming from the passenger seat, I looked and see Lucille peacefully asleep. I smiled and stopped on the side of the road. I pulled of my jacket and laid it carefully over her. I dont know why but every time I do something with her, I feel more protective over her. I carefully drove back to the penthouse.

When we arrived I parked the car and carefully picked up Lucille and walked to the back of Lux, I could go with the stairs to the penthouse so she wouldn't wake up from the music. Unfortunately Brandon one of the bartender was also their.

"Boss your back!" He said a little to hard, I quickly shushed him with a pointing look to Lucille, he excused himself and went back to Lux. Only when he opened the door the loud music came, and woke Lucille up. "Daddy? She asked me. I don't know why but every time she said daddy to me, I get I weird feeling in my stomach what I can't explain. "Yes darling?"
"are we almost home, I'm sleepy" I walked up the stairs and I stood in the penthouse with Lucille in my arms. "We are home darling, come on I will get you to your room" I said with proud in my voice. I walked up the little stairs to my bedroom, and walked one room further. I opened the door carefully with one hand so I wouldn't drop Lucille.

Her eyes widened when she saw her room. Most of it was red with a little bit of black. One part of her room was a place were she could play, and their was standing a bookshelf with all sort of books I could read for her. Their was a big teddybear sitting in a angle of the room, and on the other side was her bed. She smiled happily when I putted her in her bed. "You like it?" I asked her.
"I LOVE IT! It's so prweety" she said while looking around.

In my closet I made some room for her clothes so I grabbed a pajama and when she had that one she ran to her bookshelf to pick a book, I think she couldn't choose so I came with her and crouched down. "Should we do this one?" I asked. She nodded picked the book and jumped in her bed, she was searching for that little devilish cuddly toy. I gave it to her, and I sat down next to her and read till she fell asleep.

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