[6] work

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Spoilers from season 5! You all have been warned!

*No ones pov*

It's been a couple days since anyone had heard from Lucifer. "And why are we here exactly?" Dan asked when the elevator went up to the penthouse. "I haven't seen Lucifer in a while, and I want to make sure he is okay" Chloe said. "Come on he is the devil. Of course he is okay. Maybe Lucille not but we will see" the last part he muttered to himself.

The elevator opened and they saw Lucifer sitting in the couch with Lucille before him drawing. On the tv their was a cartoon playing. Lucifer hadn't heard the elevator opening, because he was to focused on Lucille drawing. Lucille looked up, and tucked on Lucifer pants. "Daddy, look" she said while pointing to Chloe and Dan. "Hi Chloe, hi Dan" Lucille said while standing up. "Hi Lucille, hi Lucifer"
"Hello detective. What a surprise to see you here" Lucifer stated while letting Lucille sit on his lap.

"Well you haven't come to work for 3 days so I wanted to check on you, and see if you were okay" Chloe stated. Lucifer let out a little chuckle. "Of course I'm okay, detective. It's just that those days I have been with Lucille" he smiled with proud in his voice. Dan laid eyes on the drawing. "What are you drawing, Lucille?" Dan asked.

"The devil" Lucille stated. Lucifer smiled brightly, and Chloe putted her hand before her mouth to stop herself from laughing. "Where are the horns then?" Dan asked as a joke. Lucille scoffed. "Daddy doesn't have any horns"
Dan let out a nervous chuckle and Lucille proceeded drawing. "Daddy, which color is the best for your eyes?" Lucille asked while holding up a orange and a red. When Dan and Chloe were talking to eachother Lucifer flashed his eyes to his devils eyes. Lucille chuckled and hold red up. "This one is better"

Lucifer let Lucille sit on the couch, and walked with Dan and Chloe to the bar and grabbed a drink. He also made something to drink for Lucille. "Here you go, darling" he said while giving it to Lucille. "Thank you daddy" Lucifer smiled and walked back to the bar to take a sip of his drink. "I was wrong Lucifer" Dan stated while looking at Lucille who was peacefully drawing. "In what? Your terrible taste in fashion?" He chuckled. 
"No men, how it would go with Lucille. You are doing great"
"Well thank you"

Chloe picked Lucifers hands and hold them. "Lucifer should it maybe good if she would come to my house right now. Then she can play with Trixie. Its summer vacation right now, so they have all day, and if you want she can stay with me so you have some time for yourself. Maybe go partying or something" Chloe smiled. Lucifer chuckled and looked at Lucille.

"You know, detective. In those days I had been the whole time with her and I like it. I never would think I could have these big responsibilities. But everytime she says 'daddy' I feel a weird feeling that I never had before" he said. "That's good Lucifer, its something parents feel, and you feel that cause you're bonding with her" Chloe said with a big smile on her face. "It's just that your caring, men" Dan stated. "Well I'm suppose your both right" he chuckled.

"I'm just scared something will happen to her" he said while letting out a little sigh. "Every parent is scared for that, Lucifer. But how you are with her right now you have nothing to worry about"
"Only the demons who would want her as their queen or my siblings" he stated. "And then we all would be here to protect her and keep her save. She just have a guardian devil watching over her" Lucifer smiled. "Thank you, Chloe"
"No problem, Lucifer"

Lucille ran up to Lucifer with her drawing but tripped over her own feet. "Watch out, honey" Lucifer said while scooping up Lucille before she fell on the ground. "Sorry daddy, but the drawing is done" she said proud. Lucifer cleared his throat. "Right let me see" Lucille gave the drawing to Lucifer. She drew Lucifer in one of his normal suits and with red eyes. Next to him there was standing a woman. "Who is this?" Lucifer asked. "That is Chloe. Your girlfriend" Lucille stated. Lucifer let out a soft chuckle and look to Lucille. "Do you like it?" She asked.
"Of course I do, it's great, my dear"
"So you drew me huh?"

"Yes daddy told me alot about you. He likes you, so I like you too" Lucille smiled big. "Alright" Chloe laughed "Honey, would you like to meet my daughter, Trixie?"
"I would love that" Lucifer let Lucille out of his hands and Chloe grabbed her hand, and she walked to the elevator, with Dan following her. "I uhm have some paperwork to do" he said while leaving.

"Lucifer, just come pick her up when you're done with partying okay?" Chloe said.
"Alright, detective. Have fun darling" the last part he said with a smile to Lucille.
"Bye daddy" the elevator closed and Lucifer was standing alone in the penthouse. He let out a little sigh. "Why am I feeling so odd?"

*no ones pov at Chloe's house*

Chloe stepped out of the car with Lucille, she opened the door and Trixie came. "Hi mommy"
"Hi monkey, I want to introduce you to someone. This I is Lucille, she is Lucifers daughter"
"Hi I'm Trixie"

"Should we look if I have some chocolate cake left?" Trixie asked.
"Yess! I love chocolate!"
"Me two!" Trixie laughed and pulled Lucille with her. She grabbed the piece of chocolate cake. "Mommy do you want aswell?"
"No thank you, monkey, you two can eat it" Trixie nodded and took two plates, she cut the piece of chocolate in two and gave one piece to Lucille. "Here you go"
"Thank you Tlrix"
A couple hours went by till there was a knock on the door..

*Lucifers pov*

I was in my club drinking some scotch and talking to the bartender. The whole time I was checking my phone to see that the detective maybe will call me. "Hii cutie" I heard behind me. It was a really cute girl with a short red dress walking up my direction. "Well hello"
"Should we take it some place better perhaps" she said while tracing a finger on my chest. "You are very lovely but I'm not in the mood" I stated downing my drink. She scoffed and walked away. I had a weird feeling. I had the feeling I lost someone, but who? LUCILLE. of course! I downed my drink because the bartender already refilled it and I went up the stairs. "I'm gonna get Lucille back. This doesn't feel good" I muttered to myself.

*no ones pov at Chloe's*

There was a knock on the door, Chloe opened it with surprise to see Lucifer there. "Hi Lucifer"
"Hello detective" Chloe smiled and opened the door further so Lucifer could come in. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes. Yes ofcourse. Were is Lucille?" He asked. "She is upstairs playing with Trixie. "Right. Well good that they like to be together" he chuckled. "Already done with partying, huh?"
"Uhm yes. Its just something didn't feel right"

"That feeling is probably just that you didn't have Lucille with you. It completely normal" Chloe smiled. The day past and Lucifer stayed with Lucille eating diner at Chloe's. After that he went home with Lucille.

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