[7] where is she?

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*No ones pov*

It was late in the night and Lucifer, and Lucille were peacefully asleep. The bedroom from Lucille opened very slow and from the light what came in the room Lucille woke up. "Daddy?"
"Lucille we have to go" he stated. Lucille nodded and came out of bed. He picked her up, but before he knew Lucille was already back to sleep in his arms. He smirked, unfurled his wings and flew away.

*the next morning Lucifers pov*

I woke up from the light what came in my room. I looked around and it was quiet. To quiet. I stood up and walked to Lucilles room. "Darling?" I opened the door and saw her bed empty, and her sheets were laying on the ground. I ran back to the living place in the penthouse. "Lucille! No times to play games. Were are you?" I had a weird feeling. I was afraid. I didn't knew were she was and that was terrifying. I search the whole penthouse, basement and Lux. When I was in the penthouse again I called the detective.

"Hi, Lucifer"

"Have you seen Lucille?!"

"N-no why?"

"Oh bloody hell! I lost her! She is gone!"

"I will be right there" the Detective hang up and I sighed grabbing a drink. 'Were are you, honey?'

*no ones pov at Lucilles (same time as by Lucifer)*

Lucille woke up and started walking around till she found Lucifer. "Daddy!"
"Oh uhm, hi Lucille" he said awkward stepping away from Lucille. Lucille laughed and raised her hands up as a sign that Lucifer needed to pick her up. He mumbled something under his breath and picked her up as she had a sort of disease and walked to the others. "Daddy, where are we?"

"We are in Heaven. Your new home" he stated. "But you said you couldn't go to heaven, and that you dont like it there" Lucille said with a weird look. "Did I? Oh yes, yes I did, but that changed. Look this are your uncles and aunts. Not all of them but quite a few" he stated, pointing in the direction were the angels were standing. "Hii"
Lucifer chuckled and putted Lucille on the ground, and walked away. Lucille was confused but started to play with the angels. One angel crouched down so she was the same height as Lucille. "Hello, I am your aunt Azreal, but you can call me Ray Ray"
"I'm Lucille" Azreal chuckled and grabbed Lucilles hand with a worried look. "Should we get some breakfast?"
"Doesn't daddy, need some aswell?" Azreal shook her head. "Nope. Its just you and me, so should we then?" Lucille nodded and walked with Ray Ray away.

*back on Earth no ones pov*

The elevator slid open and Chloe, Linda, Amenediel with Charlie, and Maze walked  in to the penthouse. "Lucifer?" Chloe said in a asking voice. "Oh good your here. I cant find Lucille" he stated while filling his glass again not facing them. "Maybe she is playing a game with you or some. Kids do that all the time" Maze said. "I have search the whole bloody penthouse, Lux, and the basement twice, but I cant fine her anywere. She is just gone" He let out a little sigh, Chloe walked up him and saw that his eyes were puffy red. "Have you been crying?"

"Yes. I-" he started to get tears in his eyes agian so he stopped with talking, he downed his drink and looked at Maze. "Mazikeen. Find her. pls" Maze saw the fear in Lucifers eyes, she nodded grabbed two knifes out of her pockets and walked to the elevator.
"Okay Lucifer. When is the last time you saw her?"
"Uuhm yesterday. I putted her in bed, read to her a bedtime story and she fell asleep. I knew something was wrong when I woke up alone. Every morning when she wakes up, she comes to my room to lay next to me in bed till I wake up" He let out a sigh. "I just. I don't know what to do, detective" he asked. Chloe thought for a couple seconds and laid her hand on his. "I dont know, Lucifer. But we will figure it out. We always do" she stated. It was quiet for a while till Linda broke the silence.
"What if she is in hell?" Linda asked worried looking to Charlie in her arms.
"I beg you pardon?" Lucifer said shocked.

"What if the demons knew about that she was a nephilim and took her to make her their queen. Just like when they wanted to make Charlie their king" Lucifers eyes flashed red from the idea, he downed his drink walked to the balcony and unfurled his wings and flew away. "I'm really worried about him" Amenadiel mumbled under his breath.

*no ones pov in Heaven*

Lucille was drawing with Azreal till Lucifer walked up to them "Daddy!" She almost screamed and jumped in his arms. "Hello Lucille, did you have fun?"
He asked a little akward "Yes, I played with Ray Ray" she chuckled. Lucille looked at Lucifers face. "Daddy, are you okay? You have something on your face" she said while tracing her hand on the scar on his face. He didn't answer her, Lucille thought before she jumped out of his hands and stepped away from him. "Y-you are not my daddy. Your M-m-micheal"

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