[9] What happened?!

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*No ones pov*

Lucille hadn't moved in the hug she had with her dad. Everytime Lucifer wanted to move to see her face, she just grabbed him stronger. Lucifer let out a dry chuckled and sat down on the couch. Maze, Amenadiel, Linda and Chloe didn't really knew what to say and just watched them.

Lucifer gently broke the hug an let her sit on his lap. She putted her head on his chest. "What happened, my dear?" He asked still shocked from how Lucille had reacted. "M-Micheal" Is everything she said. Lucifers eyes flashed red.

He gently putted his thumb under his chin and pulled her chin up so they were face to face. He saw in her eyes the tears and fear she had. "What did he do?" Lucifer said in a dark voice. He was angry. She didn't answer him fast enough for his feeling. "Anwser me, Lucille. What has Micheal done?" Lucifer said in a harshe tone.
"H-he wanted me t-to be a soldier a-and stay there. B-but I'm scared he would h-hurt me a-again a-and and I was s-scared I wouldn't s-see you again. I'm sorry, daddy" She sniffed. Lucifer let her lay again on her chest and shushed her. "Your dont need to be sorry, darling. Your save baby. I will never let you be hurt"

*No ones pov in Heaven*

"Lucille?" Azrael asked. She opened the door from the place Lucille needed to be. Shocked she ran in. "Lucille? No time to play games were are you?" Azreal laid eyes on the drawing Lucille made. It was a man and a little kid happy together. It was wet from the tears. Azrael picked it up and saw her devily cuddly toy. She sighed and looked at the drawing and the cuddly toy. "I will bring it you" she mumbled to herself.

*No ones pov on Earth*

It was quiet for a while. Lucille was still sitting on Lucifers lap with her head on his chest, playing with the buttons on his suit. Amenadiel, Linda, Charlie, Chloe and Maze where still there. Lucifer was playing a little with Lucilles hair to calm her down. Amenadiel heard a whoosh and someone landed on the balcony. Maze stood up and pulled two knifes out of her pockets. Lucifer sit up still having Lucille on his lap. Azrael slowly walked in the penthouse and furled her wings back in.

She looked at Lucifer with Lucille and sighed from relief. "Thank, dad she is with you" She stated. Azrael walked in the penthouse and Maze walked up to her. "Don't do it Mazikeen" Lucifer said in a strict voice. Maze growled and walked a couple steps back. "Hello brothers" Azrael said. Chloe and Linda where shocked. "Uhm were are you all looking at?" Chloe asked. Amenadiel sighed and slow down time. "Why did you do that?" Lucifer asked.
"Well so we can have a much better conversation" Amenadiel stated.

Lucifer nodded and still felt that his buttons were moving. He looked down and saw Lucille still playing with his suit. "Lucille?" He said in a asking voice. Lucille looked up with her red puffy eyes. "Yes, daddy?" She asked. Maze, Amenadiel, Azrael and Lucifer didn't understand it. How could she not be slowed down? "Uhm, how can she not be slowed down?" Amenadiel said shocked while looking at Charlie in Linda's hands. "How can your child move and mine not?"
"I don't know" Lucifer said shocked.

Azrael smiled and crouched down next to Lucifer. "Lucille, you forgot something" Azrael stated. Lucille didn't answer and looked to the other way. "Okay. Well then I will keep your devil cuddly toy" Azrael joked with a side eye to Lucille. Lucilles eyes opened wide and she looked up at Azrael. "No" Azrael smiled and gave the cuddly toy to Lucille, she looked at Azraels and carefully picked it out of her hands. "Thank you aunt Ray Ray"

"No problem, darling. Oh I also have your drawing" she also gave that to Lucille. "Daddy, look this are we" she explained. Lucifer took it from her and saw that it was wet, he smile and looked at the happy men with a little kid. Azrael stood up. Lucille smiled and putted her head back on his chest with her cuddly toy in her hands. She was mumbling to herself so Azrael saw this as a good moment.

"Micheal has took her in her sleep to Heaven, because he thinks every celestial needs to be raised in heaven. Nothing happened to her and I have take care if her for the time she was there. But she didn't want to eat or sleep without you when she figure out that you were not there. She first thought Micheal was you but when she knew it she change completely. I'm sorry I didn't say anything Lu. But I couldn't" Azrael said while looking away. "I'm not angry at you Azrael.  I'm furious at Micheal" Azrael let out a sigh from relief. Lucifer looked at Lucille smilling to her cuddly toy. "You know so what if we-" he stopped when he looked back at Azrael he saw that she had lefted. Amenadiel and Lucifer sighed and chanced time back

"What the hell happened?" Chloe asked. "Our sister Azreal, the Angel of death came to see if Lucille was her and to bring her stuff"
"Was that the person you all were looking at?" Linda asked also confused. "You can't see her"
"Why not?" Linda asked. Amenadiel sighed. "Because humans only can see her when they die" Amenadiel explained. Linda and Chloe looked at eachother and the only reaction they gave was a 'oh'.

"But uhm what happened?" Chloe asked carefully. "Micheal had took her to heaven jn her sleep. But Lucille thought Micheal was Lucifer" Amenadiel said. Lucifer looked at Lucille who almost fell asleep.
"If I'm going the see Micheal on time. I'm gonna let him feel how different Hell is from Heaven" Lucifer growled while flashing his eyes red.

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