Chapter 14

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I tap my foot impatiently on the kitchen floor waiting for Lunette to finish her second call with Helen. Yesterday she came back with a beaming smile. Helen was more kinder than she thought and she opened up to her, something that I actually expected. Helen was known for being a sweetheart and after getting married at the age of eighteen, she became another cast out and was labeled as the lazy and incompetent bride, which could have made her an easy target to Father. Her father Mr. Collins is the appointed leader of the QueensPark branch just like my mother who is the appointed leader of the Riverside branch, chosen by God himself. He comes second best to Mother and Father and is the most trusted of the leaders. He became part of the church on his early twenties and has not left ever since, and he is one of the people who have had the chance to see real life miracles happening in the presence of Father. He got married to Mother's younger sister and they have two children, Helen and Benjamin. Personally, he is one of my favorite people in the congregation. He was very welcoming and Lord knows I needed all the smiles I could get on my first service.

"I told her everything. I told her about your plan and she is totally on board. I told her my story and she told me her story as well. Another victim to the list." Lunette says with a sigh.

"She said she is willing to help in anyway and promised she wasn't going to tell anyone."

I massage my scalp trying to ease the forming headache. It seems Father made it his duty to ruin everyone and how he kept this for so long is beyond my understanding, and it would have been impressive if it didn't cost young girls their virtue and innocence.

"I can't believe it. Another girl too. What was he helping her for? What did he say he was helping her for?" The sarcasm dripping on every word. The rumors about her being an incompetent wife came from him and yet he had the nerve to sleep with her

"There wasn't any solid reason."

"I can see why. She seems to be that type of person people easily take advantage of." I say tempted to pull my hair out. Another girl who could have been saved early. Who wouldn't have to be scared in such a way. It's hard to say people could have spoken early, or should have at least tried to say something to someone because I know no one ever stands a chance against Father. The whole congregation destroys any one who speaks negatively of him, having done that myself, and you instantly added into the list of liars and outcasts.

Dalia walks in to the kitchen and the tension gets so thick that we might all choke on it. The only thing I feel is rage and disgust for Dalia for having to side with Father. But a part of me clings to the hope that maybe she was really being honest that nothing happened to her, and maybe I scared her by speaking so negatively about the Reverend. I feel more at peace when I think that nothing happened and her basically backstabbing means nothing if Father did not take advantage of her too.

"What are we cooking today?" she asks leaning on the kitchen cupboard facing me and Lunette. I take a sip of my hot coffee and pretend she is not there and I am in nice café on the other side of the world sipping on a expensive cup of coffee. Peaceful. The silence stretches and she repeats the question only to get the same response from me and a grumpy "I don't know" from Lunette.

"Why are guys not answering?" The tone of her voice raising more that anything I would tolerate. Especially from someone in my wrong books.

"You guys don't want to talk?"

"The last time I checked, this is my mouth and I use it however." I continue drinking my coffee without sparing her a glance. The shock on her face is evidence that she heard the biting tone in my voice, and I can't help but think, 'good for her'.

She walks out of the room and I fight the urge to scream at her and tell her that I know she told on me, but realization that it is of no use and would probably do me more ruin than help, keeps me glued to the chair and tight lipped.

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