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Logan wears a blue pair of jeans and the most horrible shirt I have ever seen on a guy. Why on earth would he own something so ugly? My eyes are watering as I can't stop laughing, Mary hitting me in my arm, but without any result.

His stupid tank top looks like the middle of a hamburger, the straps and bottom look like the bun, the first layer is meat, then cheese followed by two more layers like this one. On top of the last piece of cheese is a coating of bacon. Plus his neck and shoulders look so much worse than Mary's, he has small bites all over him and ass soon as people see him they stop looking at her. He steals her thunder.

"Not a word!" Logan says angrily.

I bit my lip trying to stop myself, but I can't, it's impossible, it's just way too funny.

"Stop laughing, twinkle!" she screams at me. "Don't forget it's your fault, ok? Don't make me shout out about your little talk from last night with that devil."

Mary kisses Logan and he wraps her arms around him giving him an encouraging smile. At her words I feel a nod in my stomach, fear making me shiver.

"Don't, please, don't. I'm sorry..."

"Calm down, we will not say a word," Logan says smiling. "You can trust us, we are friends, aren't we?" he says putting one arm on my shoulder and I smile at him nodding. "Perfect, now you are going to help us get back at him."

My smile quickly disappears when I hear him, but I don't answer because I see Liam entering class too and heading towards us. He wears a black pair of jeans and a gray shirt that says 'fuck off', his black curly hair is a mess, but somehow it makes him look 10 times hotter.

I sit in the first row next to Mary and Logan took the seat behind her, leaving the one behind me empty. That's exactly where Liam sits and I feel too aware of how close he is and how good he smells.

But he doesn't even look in my direction, he walks past me like I don't even exist like we didn't spend 3 hours talking on the phone last night. And that's ok, I think... At least Tiffany will not know we talked. But even so, some part of me thinks it would have been nice to at least look at me for one second, to acknowledge I am even there.

"You look delicious, bro."

He says mocking Liam with a husky, sleepy voice that makes me shiver. I force myself to stay still, to don't look at him even if I would love to.

A blond girl approaches us wearing a way too short dress that barely covers her small ass making me wonder the hell her parents let her walk out of the house dressed like that. She wiggles her ass provocatively until she stops next to where I sit, I am ready to say hi to her when I hear Liam's chair moving.

One second later I find myself staring at them kissing, one leg of hers wrapped around his waist, half of her panties shown, and his hand squeezing her ass. She makes some weird noise which I think should be sexy, but to me sounds just sick combined with the sound of them kissing.

I feel sick to my stomach and try my best not to feel disappointed or hurt, he said he just wants to be my friend so I have no right to feel like this. He never for a second said something that could lead me to think he is interested in me, and how could he be? He has gorgeous girls like her around him, confident, experienced, and strong. I'm this damaged kid who never had a date that closes her eyes when someone is mean to her, unable to protest.

"Are you ok?"

Mary asks putting her arm on my leg helping me take my eyes of the porn scene in front of me, I turn to face her faking a smile.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

She gives me a smile that says she knows too well that I am lying, but doesn't say anything.

CookieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora