Chapter 14: Avengers Tower

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I was twisting my ring anxiously. The only piece of my parents I have left. I never usually wore it, since you could get a wells supply of food with it, and people would definitely steal it. It was a band that sat on my right pinkie finger. One piece of metal, twirled around my finger two tomes, and it had a diamond at the edge of each end. I'm pretty sure it was my mother's wedding ring. I found it one day and decided to keep it. I had already changed into the clothes Nat had gotten me. Some grey sweats, a plain red t-shirt and a hoodie. They felt so nice. I felt so clean. We decided to come really early, just to make sure we got there before everyone else. So Nat came and woke me up at freaking 4 in the morning! She said it was necessary, I think she just wanted to annoy me. I hopped in her car, pretty nice one too. It was a Mustang I think. She noticed my fingering.
"Abby it'll be fine."
"I know." We arrived at the tower and Nat let us in with a swipe of her badge.
"Welcome back Nat." A voice whispered, from what seemed like everywhere. I jumped.
"That's just FRIDAY, Tony's AI."
"Oh." I tried to pass through the scanners.
"Unknown person detected. Please take a badge to be permitted into the tower." Nat laughed.
"Sorry I forgot. FRIDAY, print a level ten badge for Abby Allen."
"Yes Nat." A few second later, a badge fluttered down on to the receptionists desk. I grabbed it and swiped it through the sensor.
"Welcome Abby Allen."
"Thanks Friday." I felt a little weird talking tit he ceiling. Nat then led me over to the elevators, she pressed the button for level 50 and swiped her card.
"Would you like me to alert the others of your arrival?"
"No thanks Friday, I don't think I would get appreciated for waking them up at 4;30 in the morning."
"Hey Widow?"
"This might seem like a weird question but do you have a shower I could use? And maybe some headphones and some music? I remember music. It's been a long time."
"Yeah sure, of course we have some stuff you could use." We arrived at our floor, I didn't get a chance to process because Nat dragged me to her room and showed me her shower. She dropped the newest Stark phone on her bed and a pair of headphones.
"There that's for you. There shampoo I the bathroom along with soap and towels for when you're done."
"Thanks so much Nat."
"Any day." I climbed into the shower and started the water. I felt the warm water drip over me and I sighed. I hadn't had a shower in almost two years. I washed all the dirt and grime off of me, I was surprised at how much came off. I hadn't realized I was so dirty. It felt so good that I just kinda sat there, under the warm water for a bit. The I got out, changed back into my clothes, and picked up the phone. I had never had one of these before, my parent didn't trust me. I clicked on the screen and a voice came out.
"Hello again Ms. Allen."
"Oh hey Friday. And it's just Abby please."
"Alright Abby, what can I do for you today?"
"Um I'd like to listen to some music." I told her. I plugged the headphones in and music started to flow out of them. My jaw dropped open. This was amazing! I had no idea what these songs were but I loved every second of them. I wondered where Nat was, so I decided to go find her. I walked out of her room listening to the beautiful sounds gracing my ears. Then my stomach glowed. Nat did say I could help myself to anything. So I did rides to find the kitchen. Luckily it was right in the common room, connected to Nat's. I started looting trough the cupboards, trying not to be overwhelmed. There was so much stuff I hadn't tried. I found a cupboard with something called pop tarts. I decided to try them. I turned around trying to get the wrapper open when I noticed people. Every single one of the people Nat said were going to be here. So I did the only logical thing.
"Uh hey."

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