Chapter 31: School

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After my week of no Bo, they decided that it was time for me to go to school. Yay. Can you sense the sarcasm? Good. They were thankfully sending me to the same high school as Peter. Midtown or something. I didn't worry about the name. I was worried about having to survive.
"Oh come on. It won't be that bad." Tony assured.
"Says the person who gets to play in a lab all day."
"Ok you got me there. But you'll get to make friends."
"Who needs friends? I'm perfectly fine in my own thanks." He searched me.
"You ever had a friend kid?" Shoot.
"Well I have Jesse. But yeah. I had one. When I was young."
"What happened?"
"How do you know something happened?"
"Your voice is literally poison." I sighed.
"Fine. Yes I had one friend. My parents let me explore and I met her. We became friends. But one day I realized that- you know what? Let's just say her parents forbid me to see her ever again. I only have Jesse because he saved me."
"Gee kid. I'm sorry." I shrugged.
"I soon figured out that I was better off without friends."
"Not always. But whatever. You're going tomorrow." He handed me a backpack and some supplies. "These are yours."
"Thanks, I guess."

Someone shook me awake. I groaned.
"No. Go away." I said sleepily.
"Come on kid." Clint's voice rushed to my ears.
"Uncle Clint please. Don't make me go."
"Sorry kid. Now get up or I'll pour some water on you."
"Fine." I got up and out on some new jeans and  a t shirt, pulled a hoodie over myself and went out into the common room. "Morning." I grumbled.
"Wow someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Nat chuckled.
"Why are you torturing me so?"
"C'mon Abs it'll be good for you." Nat stated. I groaned.
"Morning!" Peter came out of his room. There was a chorus of Morning Peter's. I just grumbled a hello. We ate breakfast started walking to school. On our way, a boy came up to us and said hi to Peter. Turns out it was Ned. And then Peter's friend MJ came.
"Hey losers. Who's this?" She said as she noticed me.
"I'm Abby." I gave her a little wave.
"Mr. Stark adopted her."
"Oh cool." We arrived and Peter waved bye to me. I went to the office to find my schedule.
"Oh hello. What can I do for you?" The receptionist asked.
"I'm new and I was wondering if I could have my schedule."
"Oh you're Abby Allen. Welcome welcome. If you sit down ill get it for you." I sat down and waited. A couple seconds later a guy came in, he had black hair and blue eyes, glasses and was pretty ripped. He sat down next to me wincing.
"So who'd you fight?" I asked. He smiled.
"You must be new. Some guy who was bulking people. Not a big deal."
"Yeah I'm new. Abby Allen."
"Jake Grey." He said holding out his non injured arm.
"Did you get a good punch in?" He looked surprised.
"Yeah a few good ones. But I got caught, the guy, Flash, told them I hit him first. So here I am."
"Ha. Sucks to suck." I scoffed. He smiled.
"You're pretty cool. Friends?" I froze. If I said no, I would be alone forever and as much as I liked that, it would be depressing. And he did seem cool.
"Yeah sure. I have to warn you though, I can be a lot to handle." I said.
"Yeah well you're not alone."
"Got any other people I should meet?"
"Nah I'm kind of a lone wolf."
"Not anymore you're not." I smiled. Maybe this friend thing wasn't so bad after all.

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