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'Shit Liam where are you?' I mentally cursed as I got his voicemail for what felt like the 100th time. I've been calling him ever since I ran out James' door and I wasn't getting a response. Oh God was he dead? My heart suddenly dropped to my feet at the thought of me loosing him. I wasn't ready, I wasn't going to. I couldn't, could I ? Was he really gone? I knew Liam was in some deep shit but I didn't think it would be anything of this sort. I knew he was a local dealer which meant he was friends with people who he shouldn't be friends with. And that he made enemies with people who should've remained as friends. But he was a good guy, a great guy, he had the 4th highest GPA in our entire year group, he was going to play for the NFl. This isn't how this story ends it can't be.

"My head hurts." I exclaimed before grabbing a bottle of beer from the refrigerator in my home and placing between my lips.

"Shit! you scared me you little measle!" I semi yelled as I closed the refrigerator and saw 'my supposedly little brother' starring right at me. "You told dad that you've been sober for since you got here." He said while folding his arms. Great. Just what I needed now. "Look Charlie it's just a beer it's no big deal." I said before walking past him and up the stairs.

"It's Benny you dip shit." the little brat said before leaving the kitchen.

Did he just...? Oh I'm going to kill him.

"Honey I'm home." A feminine voice boomed through the front door.

Impeccable timing.

I slowly shook my head realizing that being here with these insanely annoying humans will do me no good. I quickly ran down the stairs passing my overbearing step mother and went through the door slamming it shut.

I needed to clear my head and being home with my dad's perfect little family wasn't going to do that for me. Liam was MIA and I was mentally ripping out strands of my hair. I couldn't think straight, I was loosing my damn mind thinking about all the horrible things that might've happened. James sounded way too way confident about Liam not being at tonight's game for it to be a hunch. I had no idea on what to do but I knew I couldn't just do nothing. So without thinking I allowed my legs to take me on a walk as if they had a mind of their own.

I awkwardly fidgeted my fingers while I waited at Liam's front door after knocking . After walking for about an hour I finally stumbled across his home.

'stumbled across his home?' I mentally scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Who are you?" a rather young feminine voice asked after the door was opened knocking out of my thoughts.

'Liam's mom does not sound like that.'

I mentally noted before looking up to meet a rather freakishly gorgeous young girl with a mug on her face.

Great she hates me already and barely knows me. She must be one of Liam's latest experiments. I couldn't help but to feel slightly jealous of the girl.

'I'm going to rip him to shreds'. I hissed.

The girl was clearly around our age but she looked like someone who belongs on the cover of a magazine. Her white hair complimented her freckles that perfectly painted her button nose and underneath her stone cold light blue eyes.

'I've seen those eyes before.' I thought.

Her eyebrows were neat but yet they looked like they needed to be tamed. Her lips were thick and pulped and her jawline was incredibly strong for a woman. She stood about 5'7 and her thick Russian accent was impossible to miss. "Uh- I'm here to see Liam." I choked out before shaking my head.

Her entire presence is screwing with my insecurities let me find out she's the reason Liam's ignoring me. And I'm going to spend the rest of my weekend watching sad sitcoms while crying my eyes out. Miserable aren't I?

Her cold stare was removed as soon as I mentioned Liam's name. She carefully glanced behind her as if to see if anyone was around. Before taking a step towards me and closing the door behind her shut.

Ok not weird at all. What's that all about? Is something wrong with Liam? Is she going to tell me that they're getting married and leaving for some foreign country? Either way I needed to know STAT!

"Liam has been MIA for the past three weeks after our brother died." The girl said which caused my entire world to shatter into a million pieces.

Liam's brother died? He's been MIA? She's his sister and not his girlfriend? But more importantly when and how did Kingston died???

I slowly ran my hand through my hair as I tried processing what I just heard. All this time I thought he was blowing me off because of Katie or some random girl. But it was because his brother had died. He's been going through the hardest time of his life. While I was falling for someone else? While I was sleeping with someone else? While I was getting high with someone else?

"We can't find him anywhere we asked a couple of his teammates but they were just as clueless" Liam's sister sobbed.

I felt so useless there was absolutely nothing I could do. "Did you guys try asking Katie?" I somewhat requested which gave me an unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The fact that Katie was there to comfort him but not me. The one who he saved more times than I could count the one who he was always there for.

"K- katie? I thought he broke up with Katie to be with you? aren't you Jade?" Liam's sister asked which caused me to swallow loudly.

Did she just say 'Liam broke up with Katie so he could be with me?'

'So he actually loved me this entire time?'



I think I'm lowkey team.....

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