Chapter 5.

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" It's true what they say you know, happy endings are actually fleeted. But what's not true is the thought that we don't understand. The true meaning of love at a young age. I think it's the only stage in our lives where we really ever experience a love so real that it consumes us. The idea of us being so young, so oblivious to the hardships that life has to offer us and so naive. Yet, we are capable of loving with every inch of our minds, hearts and souls. It's a feeling that words can't measure up to. It's the fact that we choose to love each other. Even though we're dealing with drama in our individual lives. It's the fact that we choose to be each other's sanity. While the world aims to drive us insane. It's the fact that, we choose to be around each other instead of drowning in solitude. It's the fact that, no matter what we face in life, we'd much rather face it together instead of alone. The truth is, the purest form of love we've ever experienced will always be. The love we found at a young age which is why when we get older. We dream of finding that kind of love again. "

- Briana Nia Walker🦋.

"Honey, are you sure you want to leave?" Daisy said standing in my room as I packed. I sighed heavily as I turned to glance at her. As she held my youngest brother in her arms before running my fingers through my hair. Tomorrow marks 3 years since everything happened and the years went by in a blur. I graduated from Green dale university a week ago and now I'm leaving for New York City. I know it's a long way from home but I'm going to be 23 tomorrow. I'm not a kid anymore. Though I'm going to sincerely miss my family and I hate the idea of leaving my siblings behind. I needed this change after all you know what they say:

'You can't heal in the same place you got wounded.'

I already bought my plane ticket and my plane leaves tomorrow on my birthday. I've been working hard non stop to save up for this I didn't want to bother my dad or Daisy. They had Benny and Tyler to take care of. And I don't think it would be fair if I burdened them with my desires.

"I'm sure Daisy." I said taking a break from my packing and taking Tyler out of her arms. "Just promise me you'll always remind my brothers how much I love them." I said softly before kissing Tyler's cheeks that were wet from all his baby drool. I couldn't help the tears that raced down my cheeks at the thought of me leaving him. Upon seeing this daisy smiled softly before excusing herself from my room and heading back downstairs.

"My dearest baby brother, whom I would give the world to. Promise me you'll be on your best behavior and that you'll keep Benny on his toes." I said smiling wide at the last part. Which caused him to start laughing loudly and clapping. I really enjoyed watching him his super cherry lips his light brown hair and dark brown eyes. I know he's going to break hearts once he gets older. Like my little Benny whose now 12 he had all the little girl's heart in Green dale.

"Hey." I heard a voice called out from behind me.

'Speak of the devil.' I thought while smirking.

I slowly turned around smiling while extending my arm. Asking him for a hug usually Benny doesn't show much emotion. But surprisingly he crashed into my arms and allowed me to hold him. I slowly kissed his head before resting my chin on top. I mentally giggled as his hair smelled like vanilla kiwi. He's such a brat when it comes to his hygiene I'm telling you he's going to break so many hearts.

Over the past 3 years I've been trying to better myself. By being the best sister, the best daughter, the best me. I buried my emotions and placed my heart on a break. I stopped trying to get Liam's attention and cut all ties with Chester. I haven't seen James since the fight that day. I have to admit I am still a tad bit worried about him.

But, I can't sit here and act like he didn't break me into a million pieces. New York will be good for me I needed a change in scenery. "I'll be back for the holidays if I'm not working." I said softly before placing Tyler on his feet and straightening my shirt. "I have to get back to my packing." I whispered softly causing Benny to nodd understandingly and leaving. Tyler was already out the door and running down the halls. I sighed heavily once again before plopping myself down on my bed. As I bit the inside of my lip thinking about Liam. The last time I heard he got signed in the NFL. I was sincerely happy for him I know how much he loved playing ball I guess I'm just glad that he's finally making good decisions. As for Chester, the last time I spoke to him he had supposedly gotten a girl pregnant. I must say that I truly missed him. He was after all like a brother to me.

"Ughh!" I screamed as I looked around my now almost empty room.

'I guess it's time for me to spread my wings.'

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