▶When He Finally Confessed◀

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Requested: No

Date Created: 16/12/2020

Summary: (Just pretend your friendship lasted for a very very long time.) 
It's time!  It's time he confesses to you! It's time for him to be manly-



* This guy right here, is ready to confess to you. 100%

* Ey this guy is ok if he got rejected.

* He was gonna confess first but you kinda blurted out-

* He was kinda surprise that you confessed first.

* He laughed at how cute it was that you blurted out accidentally.

* But he returned the confession.


* Being the Tsundere he is as always.

* He confessed first.

* Of course with the Tsundere attitude.

* He was expecting to be rejected but you kissed his cheek.

* "I like you too Thunder".

* Thunder .exe has stopped working.


* This hyper boi is ready to confess to you.

* He also brought flowers with him-

* He accidentally blurted out.

* But you returned the confession and boi he is happy.


* His brothers encouraged him to get up and confess to you.

* But him being himself, ehhh...

* Don't worry, Mama Quake told him to man up.

* You confessed first to him because you can't take it anymore.

* His eyes widen, but then he returned the confession.

* The both of you are having a hug session-


* Literally panicking.

* He doesn't know what to do to be honest with ya.

* He brought chocolate with him and some flowers.

* "H-hey (Y/N)!"

* "What's with the flowers?"

* He finally confesses after thinking of bajillions of outcome in his head-

* You pecked his cheek and boi he is relieved.


* Of course this lil bean.

* He just literally made flower crown just for you.

* He puts the flower crown he made for you and he confesses afterwards.

* "I like you too Thorn"

* You swore he is about to cry-

* No worries, you gave him a comforting hug.


* Of course this guy.

* He's going to dress up formally.

* He's also going to bring a bouquet of flowers of course-

* He just messaged you to meet him by a nearby park.

* Surprise surprise, you thought he's just going to wear normal clothes.

* He's the first one to confess cuz his fudging pride-

* He's on speech mode btw.

* You just pecked his cheek to shut him up. Cuz boi you do not want to hear the whole speech.

* "I like you too you nerd"

* He handed you over the bouquet of flowers are proceeded to spoil you a bit.


* He is literally panicking in the inside, don't know what to say.

* Finally has the courage to confess to you.

* He just stuttered from time to time.

* You just gave him a peck in the cheek and returned the confession.

* Boi he became super happy and even more energized


* He is ok 100%.

* His heart is not ready for what's going to happen.

* He just confesses in a normal way.

* You returned the confession.

* He brought you out for tea.


* Same goes with Solar.

* But he literally brought like a bag with chocolate with flowers and Teddy bear.

* You're being spoiled-

* But still he confesses to you.

* You returned the confession as well.


* His heart is literally beating as fast as hecc

* He tries to confess normally but would stutter at some point.

* He continues to confess but you just shut him up just my pecking his cheek.

* You gladly returned the confession.

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