Chapter 4

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Oliver stood there with confusion as he glanced between the two boys. Then his gaze met yours. His eyes seemed to darken and you could sense the anger radiating off of him.

"Leave" Tom stated without removing his eyes from you. "Not until you tell me why you're all here" Oliver shot back. Tom rolled his eyes and turned to face Oliver. "It's none of your business now is it?" "Then I'll make it my business" Oliver said coolly while glaring daggers at Tom.

Tom took a sharp inhale and reached into his pocket looking for his wand. "Don't" you shout, startling the tall boy. He looked over at you and sighed. Then with the wave of his finger Oliver was next to you by the wall.

Tom turned around to talk to Draco. Oliver's eyes met yours. There was determination in them. But behind that you could see a small amount of fear and concern. He opened his mouth to talk but you quickly shook your head telling him not too.

Tom and Draco turned back around to face the now 2 of you. His eyes danced back and forth between the 2 of you. "Very well, since you are in the way of my plan, you have 2 options" he said smoothly as he looked over to Oliver.

Oliver gulped hoping to suppress his fear. "You join us" he said as he lifted his sleeve to reveal the dark mark "or you're choice." 

You look at Oliver and give him a look consisting of fear, concern and compassion. He looked at you for a moment and then back at Tom. "I don't wanna join this stupid killing club of yours Riddle" he said standing his ground. You gasp and look at Tom.

"Well then, enjoy the aft-" "stop" you blurted out. Toms cold eyes filled with anger. "Darling he made his choice, I'm only doing what he requested" "yeah well I'd like to knock some common sense into him before he makes a final decision. Could we talk for a moment? Just him and I?" "Fine my dear. You may speak for a moment or two. We will stand by the door. Oh and don't even think about running"

"Oliver you stupid idiot" you whispered angrily as you smack his arm. "I'm not gonna be a death eater y/n. I can't." "Yeah well I didn't choose this either Wood. He wants me. Only me. He's forcing me into this" you say while looking towards Tom. " I'm sorry y/n I really am but I just can't go around killing people-" "and I totally can Oliver! Come on I can't just let you die! If you do it I'll make sure to keep you and your family safe. He'll listen to me" "it's nice offer but I can't"

"Oliver this is your chance to live, you can have a family and friends and whatever you want if you just agree with him. Please" you say looking deep into his eyes hoping you can convince him. He groaned "don't give me the puppy eyes and the pleeeeeeeease" he said said childishly. "Pretty pleeeeeeeeease Oliver" you said trying your best to be super cute. "Ugh fine."

"Times up you two" he stated as he walked swiftly closer to you and Oliver. "What did you decide Wood?" "I'll join your stupid club-ow" you elbowed him in the ribs for calling it a club. "Great choice. Could always use a strong player" Tom remarked. "Show up here tomorrow at midnight, the both of you, and that's when the fun will really begin. But if you tell anyone or don't come, you're dead" and just like that, he sauntered off into the night.

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