Chapter 6

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At dinner Tom moves his hand from its usual place to your hip so that his arm is around you and people can see. You of course gasp at first and want to fight back but then remember how dangerous he can be.

You drown out all of the noises around you and just focus on Tom. His body is radiating heat and it feels so nice against your skin. Though his hands are warm for once, his rings are still cold through your clothes. When he turns to talk to someone on the other side of you or to look at you, you can feel his hot breath hit your skin. It was a change. Something new to you. Something you kinda liked.

After dinner you head towards to Gryffindor common room hoping to find Oliver. Instead you ran into someone. You literally ran face first into his chest. You stumble back and look up clutching your hand to your nose. "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't been watching where I'm going" the boy said. " Its alright, I wasn't paying attention either." Then you realized who it was. Cedric Diggory.

By the way his warm smile seemed to grow, you figured he realized it was you as well. "I'm so sorry y/n, George was yelling about something and I got distracted" "it's alright. Hey any chance you've seen Oliver Wood?" "Yeah he was heading towards the library a minute ago" he told you. "Thanks, see you in class tomorrow" you said while walking away.

You found Oliver in the back corner of the library with a book in his hands. But he wasn't reading. He was looking out the window. "Boo" you whisper shouted as you approached him. "Merlin y/n stop scaring me!" He stated while clutching his hand over his chest as his face gained a slight pink tint. You both laughed.

You sat in a comfortable silence until curfew. He snuck you into the Gryffindor common room and you sat by the fire in a big comfy arm chair. He sat down in the one next to you. You looked over and could see the slight panic in his eyes.

By 11 everyone was in bed but the 2 of you. "Nervous?" You asked him. "A little, how are you considering you'll have to marry him?" He questioned. You pondered the thought for a moment. "Slightly terrified to tell the truth. He wants power and all that, and I'll have to by his side through it all. Lucky me."

Oliver gave a sympathetic smile. "I don't wanna go tonight" he said suddenly. There was hope in his voice as if he wanted me to agree and stay with him. "I don't either, but what choice do we have?" You responded. His head dropped and he looked at the floor. "Do you think we could run away or hide?" With more hope in his voice as he questioned you.

You turned the idea in your head. Hide? "Maybe it could work but I doubt it. He'd find us eventually" you told him, but what do you have to lose, let's hide..." A smile slowly grew across his face. The only light in the large round room was the fire. By 11:30 you had decided what you were gonna do.

Was it worth it? (Tom Riddle)Where stories live. Discover now