Chapter 5

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The sky was dark and gloomy. It had rained all night and was still going big had slowed to a trickle. It was as if the weather was reflecting your mood. You stayed in Oliver's dorm that night, both scared of what would come. He let you borrow some sweats and a jumper and you cuddled into his chest hoping it was all a bad dream. It wasn't.

The two of you walked down to breakfast, you still in his sweats. "I'll return these later after I get changed" you told him. He stayed silent and just gave a small nod. You stood in the doorway questioning if you should sit with Oliver or Tom. "He's looking at you, you better go sit with him" Oliver said as he headed the other direction to the Gryffindor table.

"What are you wearing and where were you last night?" Tom questioned harshly as you sat down next to him. "Hmm? Oh, I was tired so Oliver let me stay in his dorm and let me borrow some sweats" you replied. "Ah well I don't want you swooning over him. You should've been in my dorm in my sweats last night. Don't let it happen again" "yes Tom."

After breakfast you rushed to your room to change and grab your books. You barely made it class on time. Of course Tom was there waiting for you to sit next to him. So you went and sat next to him hoping to keep him calm. His anger can be quite scary.

Halfway through the boring lecture, there was a familiar cold presence on your leg. You looked down to see his hand grasping tightly around your thigh, sure to leave marks from where his rings are. You let out a small sigh hoping he wouldn't hear. But of course he did. He looked over to you and the corners over his mouth lifted slightly into what he called a smile. His grip tightened.

The rest of the day seemed to go super slow. Once your last class had ended you headed down to the quidditch pitch hoping to find Oliver. He was standing in the middle of the pitch with his broom in one hand the and quaffle in the other. You slowly and quietly approached and reached out to touch his shoulder.

He jumped slightly as you grabbed onto him and he turned around to face you. He calmed once he realized it was just you. "I came here to think" he stated looking down at the quaffle. "So did I" you reply with a soft smile as you reached out to take it from him. You both sat on the cold ground next to each other. Both lost in thought.

"I don't think I can do this" Oliver finally broke the silence. "Nor can I...he's forcing me to make an unbreakable vow. He wants me by his side forever" you told him, a small tear running down your face. He looked over and reached his hand up to your cheek. He wiped the tear with his finger and cupped your cheek. "It'll be ok. We're both gonna live. Maybe there's a way out of this."

"There is no way out. It's Tom Riddle. If there was a loophole he would have found it already and made it impossible to use. We're stuck in this" "fuck" he muttered under his breath. You lay your head down on his shoulder and start to him to him. "I know he's bad but he's kinda cute and I kinda like him Oliver." He looked over at you as if you'd just seen a ghost. Although at Hogwarts that's perfectly normal.

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