Chapter 21: A Mother

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The Dowager Duchess was extremely calm while dealing with her son but she was actually panicking inside. It just so happens that she knows her son's character so she is very good at playing him.

As she thought about it again, the Dowager Duchess closed her eyes as she puffed another smoke from her cigar.

Even though her plan was unsuccessful and her sly son even found out about it, she regrets nothing.

For her, she actually did not do anything wrong. During that time, she was only being a mother who wanted the best for her son. She wanted her son to thrive and wanted to cut off all the distractions for him. Is it really that bad? She does not think so. No one could blame her for being a mother.

More than anything, the Dowager Duchess was afraid that her son will be addicted again to someone like that. Especially since they look exactly the same and she sees that her son already treats her so differently, it's only a matter of time.

That's why, the Dowager Duchess did what any mother would do, set up preventive measures before the fire starts. She does not want her son to be involved with any commoner again.

But now that she is caught by her son, the Dowager Duchess has even more worries to think about. Right now, she also cannot plan things so easily.

'Need some reinvestigations done... I also need a certain man to be silent...' the Dowager Duchess secretly thought.


On the other hand, Dalena already started recuperating at the mansion. Even though she was the one who is supposed to look after Little George, it seemed like the roles were reversed now that she was recovering from the incident.

"Look, Dalena! I drew you." Little George said in an enthusiastic tone.

Dalena's heart melted just at the sight of the little boy taking care of her.

"Wow! Can I see, George?" Dalena asked.

Little George nodded cheekily before showing Dalena his artwork.

He was only six years old, so his drawing was obviously not at an expert's level. He drew a face of a woman smiling with flowers and hearts all around it. The artwork seemed like something he worked on for a long time as it was meticulously coloured in as well.

"Oh my gosh Georgie, you are just the sweetest! Thank you so much!" Dalena exclaimed, making the little boy redden a little.

After earning praise from Dalena, Little George seemed to be even more proud of his artwork so he moved closer to Dalena and started to explain his heartwork.

"See those flowers and hearts? I put the flowers because I want you to get well. Then, I put the hearts because I love you!" Little George said in his cute voice.

Upon hearing Little George's explanation, Dalena let out a small laugh along with her smile getting wider.

"Ah, is that right? I also love you, Georgie! And thank you, with that, I'll definitely be well soon so I can take care of you again." Dalena replied.

However, much to her slight surprise, Little George shook his head.

"No. Now that you're not well, I will take care of you because you always look after me." he said in a warm tone, even cupping Dalena's cheeks.

At only 6 years old, he was already able to melt Dalena's heart. What more when he is older? Surely, he will be breaking a lot of girls' heart...

However, aside from Little George and occasionally the Duke visiting her, there was also one other person: Andrea.

"So how are you these days? You're lucky because even the Duke visits you, huh. I think the Duke really likes you, Dalena." Andrea said in a teasing tone.

Upon hearing that, Dalena flinched a bit and remembered what the Dowager Duchess accused her of. Why do other people think that way? She knows that the Duke and her have always had a professional relationship. More so, he does visit but every time, he was with Little George so he was probably simply accompanying his son.

"Stop saying nonsense, Andrea. We might get in trouble if you keep talking about things like that..." Dalena said in a serious tone.

Seeing that Dalena was not cooperative with the topic she's talking about, Andrea pouted a bit.

"Why will we get in trouble? It's just the two of us. Besides, if it's not the Duke taking a fancy on you, maybe you're the one who likes him? Oooh, Dalena!" Andrea teased again.

Just how many times has Andrea insisted that? Dalena was getting quite tired of it.

However, this time, for some reason, upon the mention of her liking the Duke, there was a slight thump sound ringing in her heart.

Instead of acknowledging that though, Dalena shook her head firmly.

"Nope. Not ever in this lifetime." Dalena answered Andrea.

Quite surprised by Dalena's strong denial, Andrea raised her eyebrows before letting out a mocking laugh.

"Alright, then don't go back on your words later on, Dalena! It'd be embarrassing for you if you do so." Andrea cheekily said.

Memory of the Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن