Chapter 61: Past Memories XIII

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Because of the new revelation, Luke had gotten something he had wished for a long time – get Yarra to move in with him.

Even before knowing that they were suddenly expecting a little one, it was something that Luke wanted.

The reason? It was very simple. The poor guy just can't get enough of Yarra.

He wanted her to be the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He wanted her to leave her mark in every bit of pieces inside the luxurious apartment he was staying in.

To him, she is his home. His comfort. His everything.

Already at the seventh month period of her pregnancy, Yarra looked very pregnant.

Her bump was not as visible during the first months but at around five months, the baby bump started to become more visible.

With one hand at Yarra's shoulder and the other on her obvious baby bump, Luke started kissing her neck.

Yarra moved away a bit as she felt ticklish from Luke's soft kisses.

"Wait, Luke... You know, now that we found out that it's a boy, I feel like we should decide on picking his name already."

"Yeah. Didn't we start picking some names already?" Luke murmured while still placing small kisses everywhere.

At times, maybe due to pregnancy hormones, Yarra felt very insecure. She feels like Luke might avoid getting intimate with her because her body had changed due to pregnancy.

But she was completely wrong because little did she know, Luke gets turn on even with the thought of her having their children. He was so smitten with her before and much more now that they're having a little one.

"You're British so I started to search some British names. I want our child's name to be something related to your culture..."

"Uh huh.."

"Edward? James? Robert?"

"Not those... They honestly sound like an old person's name. You don't want our child to have such an ancient name, do you.."

"Ancient? You're silly, Luke. Lots of people still name their kids those names."

"You said those names altogether so I thought it was a full name for our kid."

Yarra pouted a bit, glaring at Luke's playful eyes. Day by day, she gets surprised at how cheeky this man could be.

'I hope our child isn't as cheeky as his father is...' Yarra secretly thought.

"Wait, I remember... You liked the name Arthur when we searched before, right?"

"Yeah. I liked its meaning, since it was also one of my ancestor's middle name. It means 'noble and courageous'. It would be good if our son would also have those traits."

Luke spoke softly, looking down at Yarra's tummy that he's caressing.

"As for me, I really liked the name 'George' when I searched. But I didn't really look at the meaning. I just thought it sounded nice. Now, it seems like I was wrong, you were into searching baby names deeper than I thought."

Like it was natural to do, Yarra let herself come closer at Luke's chest. On the other hand, Luke's arms held Yarra tightly so she could snuggle comfortably.

"The name 'George' actually has a good meaning as well. It means 'to be grounded'. Now that I think about it, the name blends well with 'Arthur'. What do you think?"

Yarra looked up to level Luke's eyes. His fingers started to draw lazy circles on her shoulder.

"So his name would be 'George Arthur Grosvenor'? That sounds about right. Just hearing his name makes my heart flutter. I can't wait to meet him..." Yarra murmured to him gently.

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