Chapter 24: Creepy Love Confession

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"Sorry, Miss Angeles. I only did what I had to do at that time. I am also glad for your full recovery. Please be assured that we are also currently working to get you the justice you deserve." Hamish said in a regretful tone.

Dalena widened her eyes and mouth for a little while as she stared at Hamish bowing slightly to her while apologising. Right now, she actually feels a bit overwhelmed since she couldn't believe that a very strict person like Hamish would step down just to apologise to someone like her.

"No, Sir Hamish, it's alright. Don't worry about it, I understand." Dalena said hastily.

With Dalena's response, Hamish actually felt relieved but the guilty feelings he had still hasn't dissipated.

He let out a small smile for Dalena.

"Thank you, Miss Angeles." Hamish said simply.

Since Hamish had started a deep investigation about what Andrea McLaren has been doing for the past years, he decided to just keep her in one of the estate's room with the guards guarding the door and assuring that she talks to no one.

Hamish didn't know why, but his intuition tells him that Andrea has done worse things than what she did. After all, if she could scheme framing someone like that, what more is she capable of?

At the same time, it was also only a few days before the Duke gets back from his business trip so he would be able to tell him about the estate's internal conflicts and see if he has any comments about it.

"Why did you put her on house arrest? What if her wellbeing got affected during that time?" Luke exclaimed in irritated tone.

Hamish was about to explain himself, but he was left baffled by the Duke. Moreover, the Duke continued to speak.

"I thought I told you already last time but when there's a matter relating to that woman, notify me immediately. It does not matter if I am on a business trip or in a meeting." Luke said firmly, his eyes drooping down upon thinking how Dalena suffered during the days he was away.

This time, with the Duke's response, Hamish was really left in awe.

"I understand, Your Grace." Hamish replied with no choice.

Before, he was wondering to what extend did the Duke care about Miss Dalena Angeles. And now, he finally got his answer. To even make the Duke this frustrated and even issue a command to notify him about matters regarding her? Just what did she do to make the Duke this interested in her?

However, Hamish also found it quite amusing how the Duke did not even bat an eye when he told him that the ducal house's heritage was stolen. The Duke was only visibly angry when he found out that Dalena was framed and was put on arrest for a few days.

"By the way, Your Grace, regarding the matter with Miss McLaren, it is fine if you don't meet her. It's just her ridiculous request anyway and I can assure you that the estate's guards can deal with punishing her even if she is stubborn." Hamish said in a serious tone.

Luke, who seemed to be in a deep thought as he looked over the surroundings of the glass window, only gestured his hands in refusal.

"It's fine. Let me hear what she wants to say." he said in a nonchalant voice.

Truthfully, for Luke, he wanted to see what kind of person dares to hurt Dalena. Even though he has heard of that person's name as she has been working at the estate for years, it never really left an impression on him as he is never really interested in his employees' affairs.

"Your Grace!" Andrea exclaimed in a bright tone.

Upon seeing her face, she was obviously happy and even a little shy upon seeing Luke enter the room. For her, it's like light just appeared in the dark room she was in.

Instead of acknowledging her greeting though, Luke just stared at her in a belittling way.

After receiving the Duke's stare, Andrea actually got little goosebumps. Even before she would greet the Duke, he would be polite and smile formally, at least. But now, it feels like the Duke is completely looking down on her.

"Speak now. Don't waste the Duke's time." Hamish instructed Andrea.

Feeling like she is being treated like a lowlife, Andrea glared a bit at Hamish before frowning her mouth and looking down at the floor. The next second, she looked at the Duke again but found that he wasn't even looking at her. Instead, he actually seemed very bored as he looked at other parts of the room.

"This... this... Your Grace, please listen to me.." Andrea started to say.

Luke diverted his stare at her, but continued staring at her in an extremely intimidating and uncomfortable way.

"Please trust me when I only did it for you, Your Grace. You're just so excellent and I don't want anyone bringing you down! It seems like she used some type of voodoo or love potion on you, since you treat her differently from the rest of us. Why do you only smile brightly when you're with her? Why do you even eat meals with her? Why do laugh with her? That kind of person doesn't deserve to mix in with you, Your Grace!" Andrea said emotionally, leaving everyone baffled.

Aside from her emotional speech, Andrea also had tears coming out of her eyes already.

"I just wanted to protect your reputation, Your Grace. You know how other people in your circle gossip about you because of your son already. I don't want you to fall in the trap of some lowly girl and get more dirt in your reputation, getting all those jealous people to laugh at you. I only care about you, Your Grace. I will be a bad person just to make His Grace free of worries." Andrea continued, even giggling slightly as her tears continued falling.

Hamish didn't know just how many more surprises he could take. He didn't expect that things would progress this way, just Andrea giving a very creepy love confession to Luke. In Hamish's opinion, Andrea could even pass as a mini-me of the Duchess Dowager with her way of showing love to His Grace.

Luke, on the other hand, also felt uncomfortable with what the maid said to him. He felt that everything she was saying was ridiculous. In the first place, how dare she assume things about him and make decisions for him? Heck, they don't even have the slightest of connection. Luke barely even remembers her and have no recollections of having a conversation with her before.

In fact, unlike what she is saying, Luke's reputation within the circle is actually quite alright. People look up to him because he is the youngest and richest billionaire under 30 in the whole world. Although he acknowledged his illegitimate son, it was not so much of a big deal in the modern world.

However, since legitimacy and certain rules applied in the aristocratic world they lived in, Little George could not be his heir. But that's why Luke was working hard in the first place, right? He's working to get his net worth to rise even more and to make more meaningful connections. He's just waiting for the right time, when Little George was ready and all his preparations were set.

Besides, he couldn't care less if the other people in his circle talk behind his back. So what? As egoistic as it sounds, he was more handsome and rich than all of them combined, so how could their opinions matter? It's not like their opinions have value anyway since they would have no choice but to follow Luke as he is among the frontrunners of the aristocratic circle.

"So do you understand now, Your Grace? I believe you have a nice character and know that I only did my best to protect you... Please let me free and let me keep protecting you, Your Grace." Andrea said in a disillusioned tone.

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