Chapter 65: A Letter

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Luke stared at the white envelope in front of his desk with an empty gaze. He did not know how he felt about it even after receiving the same envelopes for the past ten years.

Usually, he wouldn't even bother opening them and burn them right away with his cigar lighter. Then, he would reprimand the old man Hamish who always managed to get the envelopes delivered to him.

However, right now, Luke just can't seem to burn it right away. But he didn't want to open it either. When it comes to the sender of the letter, Luke felt nothing but numbness.

"Papa, let's go! I've been waiting for you!" A sweet voice from a little girl called out.

After hearing the little girl's voice, Luke's face instantly changed to tenderness as he moved his face towards her.

The little girl, Solianna, was the 5-year-old daughter of Luke and Yarra. Unlike her older brother who has mostly been reserved during that age, Solianna was the complete opposite. She was bubbly, loud and carefree. Most likely, it has been because she grew up in a household full of love from her Papa, Mama and older brother George.

Solianna, in her full equestrian outfit, pouted as she ran towards Luke and sat on his lap.

"Papa, you said you were going to be the one to teach me horse riding today!" she said nonchalantly.

Luke chuckled at his daughter's pouting face. Even though she's sulking, Luke can't take her seriously especially since the little girl's features resemble his wife's so much.

The eyes, nose, lips and even the face shape is the same. The only difference was the little girl's hair colour, which was lighter brown. Her eyes were also different, as they were green that resemble his.

Thinking about it, the little girl's hair and eye colour actually stemmed from their estranged grandmother...

"Yes, I will darling. I'm sorry for being late okay?" Luke soothed his little daughter.

"Fine, Papa! I forgive you! But we have to go now 'cause we're late!" Solianna exclaimed, garnering a smirk from her father.

As the father and daughter duo walked their way to the mansion's equestrian grounds, there was a figure who came in Luke's office.

"Oh? I thought those two were here." Yarra murmured to herself.

She was about to walk out of the office until she saw a white envelope placed on Luke's desk. Yarra normally didn't bother with anything at Luke's office as they were mostly about business agendas anyway.

However, the striking title placed on the middle of the envelope was to hard to ignore.

'To my dearest son, Luke Alexander Grosvenor'

Yarra kept a fixed gaze on the letter and after a few seconds of hesitation, she decided to open it.

"Dearest Luke,

It has been a little more than a decade now since I last saw you. I hope you know that no matter what, you are always in my heart.

As your mother, I always wanted the best for you. But all these years, I never realised that what I wanted for you might not necessarily be the best for you.

In the end, it is your life and you are free to make your own choices and not owe anyone anything, even me.

Perhaps, it is because I could feel that I only have a few days left, that's why I have a sudden realisation of all these things.

However, as I reach the end of my life, I want to at least see you for the last time. Please let me give you and your family a proper apology that I couldn't give years before – as I was too prideful and stuck in the primitive ways of our culture.

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