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Sky's POV

Have you ever been on probably what felt like the best day of your life. When everything is going great, the sun is shining, the birds are singing or chirping if you will, not a cloud in site and the people I love most in the world have smiles on their faces and nothing seems as if it's wrong.

You know the feeling right?

Well that is exactly how today's supposed to go...or was supposed to go.

Everyone has smiles on their faces, while I, we'll I have a dark cloud on the top of my head, raining on my parade and on top of that, I can't stop thinking about a certain gold eyed alien prince that's at home alone, we'll maybe not alone, but still alone nontheless, without me to look after him and make sure he's okey.

And don't make any funny faces at me, I'm well aware of how that sentence sounds, so please just cut me some slack.

Anyway, the whole day I've been putting on fake smiles for papa, dad and Matt.

But as the smart little fucker he is, Matt caught on to my act and asked me what's up, I told him not to worry, but he saw right through me and told me Aiden would be fine because he's with Casey, but that's the thing he's with Casey. Don't get me wrong, I love the kid but, he can be a little too hyper for my liking and what if he's not paying attention to Aiden one minute and then Aiden slips out of the house and ends up roadkill out on the street. I mean this is central california, there's always people rushing around in their cars, so you can't blame me for being paranoid but, yet again Matt assured me that he'd be fine but, it still wasn't enough to make me feel sure that he was okey. In the end, we ended up calling Casey to check on them to end my worries, but after the phone call I was even more on edge thinking that every exited teenager in the amusement park was Aiden jumping around and almost falling off roller coasters.

Now we were walking to this restaurant in the amusement park that dad found, with papa talking animatedly about how were going to go on one of the roller coasters after a quick lunch break and everyone is all smiles. Well....everyone exept me because, if anything, that phone call with Casey made me even more antsy.

Once we're seated in a booth in the restaurant. Papa and dad go and order, leaving me and Matt alone in the booth.

After a few seconds of waiting, I let out a sigh and ran my hands through my hair and my leg starts to bounce up and down in anxiousness.

Matt gives me a pointed look and shakes his head, he pulls put his phone messes with it for a minute, then turns it to me.

"What?" I ask.

"Look." He says pointing to the screen. I look and see Casey's face, he waves and puts his fore finger to his lips, signaling fo me to be quiet. A few seconds later the camera is pointed at a very confused looking Aiden, sitting in front of a sandwich.

He looks at it weirdly and then looks up at Casey. "Are you of absolute surety this is consumable?" He asks, he brows furrowed together in confusion.

I can hear Casey stifle a laugh. "Yeah" He says once he's regained himself. "It's actually one of Skyler's favourites you know. It's called a turkey sandwich and it's perfectly fine, don't worry." He reassures him. Aiden stares at Casey for a minute, his eyes blue and wide in skeptesism, then after a minute he shrugs shoulders and picks up the sandwich and takes a bite, he chews and swallows, nodding his head in approval.

"It's good. It is no wonder that Skylar enjoys it." And continues to eat it. I sigh in relief of him being okey.

Casey makes a noise of agreement and turns the camera back to him. "See. He's okey you don't have to worry about anything."

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