Chapter 8

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Hello everyone. I hope y'all had a wonderful New year! I have about another week left till my school holidays ends, but i'll still post even if i have school! ^^

Aragon speaking - in italic

The morning light shine over Aragon's and Aphrodite's bedroom window, and Aragon moved, slowly opening his eyes. He let out a small groan and turned over to see Aphrodite hugging him while she's asleep. He smiled and kissed her forehead, he'd always know that Aphrodite is a heavy sleeper, so he just lied in bed with her until she wakes up.

'What am i going to do? How am i supposed to tell her about my dreams..? Especially the ones I keep on having. And that creature I saw, why does it looks so familiar? Is there i'm missing, or is it there to haunt me?'

Slowly getting out of bed, not trying to wake up Aph, and headed towards our bathroom to take a nice long shower. I looked into the mirror, there were light grey bags underneath my eyes. A small sigh came out of my mouth and took off my clothes and went into the shower. After 15 minutes had passed, I got out of the shower, looked into the mirror again and the light grey bags wasn't there anymore, I dried myself up and got into my clothes for the day.

I opened the door and saw Aphrodite on the side of the bed, but once she heard the door opening,she turned and looked into my eyes. When I look into her eyes it looks worried, 'I'm scared to tell her. So I just came up with something.'

"Morning Aph, how was your sleep?" I asked her with a smile, as I walked to her and sat next to her. She looked at me with her eyes, when I looked at her. It looked like I was going to the Royal court for some questions after a serious crime.

"It was good, but how was yours?"

"It was go-"

"Don't lie to me."

'Crap.' i thought to myself

"Ok i guess."



"Hm. ok."

Aphrodite stood up, didn't even turn back to look at me.

"Hey. remember that time taht we got caught outside of the castle? " She looked at me and now with her arms folded, she nodded.

"Yeah i remember that" she replied with a cold voice

"That was embarrassing for the both of us " i winked at her with the last sentence, she blushed and i chuckled, hugged her from behind and pulled her down with me so i could hug her in bed.

"You going to stop being grumpy~" I whispered in her ear, she made a cute small noise. I laughed, and continued hugging her.


"Hehe~ i know you love me aph" i kissed her cheek

"Yeah i know" she responded back

Aragon and Aphrodite stayed there, cuddling each other, until there was a knock on the door.

"Hello? Aphrodite, it's me Alex. We need to go somewhere, remember?" Alex spoke from the other side of the door, the two of them untangled themselves and opened the door and saw Alex.

"Morning you sleepyheads" Aphrodite giggled, Aragon just rolled his eyes. Alex just chuckled and told Aphrodite to meet her at the castles gates.

"I guess it's about the anniversary." Aphrodite looked at the necklace, Aragon just stood there and didn't know what she was talking about.

What anniversary?, she didn't tell me anything about having an anniversary with Alex, unless there's something that the two of them knew about. But Aphrodite or Alex didn't tell.

"What anniversary? I never got informed about this, Aph what are you hiding?" there was a hint of jealousy in Aragon's voice but he didn't want to be the obvious one.

Aphrodite didn't say a word, but went back into the to get dressed, but before she left, she looked back at Aragon

"It's Whistey's death anniversary. He died today after 15 years, after Menkenzi betrayed us and used her power against us. Used Misha. So that's why me and Alex are going. To visit their gravestones."

Aphrodite faced Aragon with a sad smile, but he knew that she deeply cared for all of them so he'll stay behind and do some of her duties for her.

"Alright, but when you come back then i'll tell you everything, I promise you."

She nodded and kissed his lips and headed off. Aragon just stayed there in their room, having deep thoughts. He heard about them before, like from villagers. Before he was assigned to be a royal guard to Celosia's castle. He was originated from CrossDavid and everything there was alright, had his whole childhood there, having amazing friends until he received a letter from Celosia's King. That he was accepted to become a royal guard to protect the kingdom. He was very happy about it, so he told his parents, his two best friends and they were happy for him, so at the age of 12 they moved over there and settled in. It was a beautiful kingdom, and they loved it there.

He smiled from those memories and left the room.

With Alex and Aphrodite, they rode on their horses to Celosia's graveyard. It was a silent trip since they haven't really spoken in a while, but had some chats like, how's your day been, and little stuff about life. When they got there, they got off their horses, tied them up.

They stand before the gates, the sign says 'Celosia's peace, quiet and resting place'.

"Ready Aphrodite?"

Aphrodite stood there, holding her tears.


And that's for today guys! I have school in 3 days time, and i'm not ready to be in year 11 ;-; But i'll try my best to pass my exams, and finally doing good and stuff. And also i feel like doing a Royalrise lemons one-shorts because why not. Oh well that's like an idea.

Have a wonderful day ya'll! 

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