Chapter 4

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Hope everyone has a lovely week! Enjoy :D

For the past few weeks, Aragon hasn't been himself lately. He keeps having different dreams of Aphrodite, like she keeps on dying, moves away or divorces him, he betrays her or she dies protecting him and her family.

'Ughhhh. Why can't these dreams stop!' he said to himself as he walked past the knights room and headed towards the castle gardens. He looked around and saw Aphrodite holding a flower. An iris. One of her favorites. He had an idea, and that idea was going to scare her.

"What a beautiful thing you are" Aphrodite said to the flower as she placed the flower in a vase. Aragon walked behind her and looks over her shoulders and scared her.

"Ahhh!" Aphrodite fell forward, and Aragon started to burst out laughing at her. Aphrodite looked up and saw her husband laughing at her, she threw a small rock at him, he continued to laugh at her childish behaviour. He took out his hand to help her up, she grabbed it and dragged him down with her.

"Gotcha" she giggled and nudged him, he sighed and tackled her down, they both started to laugh.

"You're so childish, Aph" Aragon said to her as he put his head on her shoulders, she laughed and pat his head, he smiled and saw some guards walk by and the spring breeze started to kick in.

"What a beautiful day today, isn't it?" she asked as she continued patting her husband, he nodded and hugged her. Few moments gone by one of the known guards, named Chirama who has recently got engaged to another knight that they know.

"Hey you two love birds, how's it going?" he walked up to them. Aragon didn't move a bit because he fell asleep on Aphrodites lap. Chirama sat infront of them, while Aphrodite continued patting Aragon.

"We're going alright, Aragon fell asleep because he was too excited or too tired. Well how's it been with you and Daniel, hmmmm. I heard you two got together after 5 years together" Chirama blushed and chuckled, and put his hand behind his head.

"Yeah, after being together for 5 years i got enough money and courage to do it!" he said with happiness in his tone. Aphrodite congratulated him and Daniel of their engagement, Chirama soon said bye, stood up and walked off. Aphrodite looked down at her sleeping husband, she didn't want to wake him up because at her point of view, Aragon looked cute when he asleep.

Soon the sun started to set and the skies turned into a beautiful sunset colour. Aphrodite poked his check slowly to get his attention to wake up, he flinched and opened his eyes.

"Good Morning sleepyhead, hehe" she laughed as he slowly sat up straight and looked at her, she kissed his forehead, stood up and stretched. Aragon pointed her from her back and stood up. Aragon also stretched, she did the same and poked his back. Night time had arrived and the kingdom was busy with the night, at the palace it was ordinary since most servants stayed there or went back home by this time, Aragon strolled around the castle grounds near the training ground. He sighed as he walked outside and viewed the place that he once used to fight, protect and defend this kingdom, especially Aphrodite that he deeply cared for. Oh those times that he could go back and see it all again. When he was a young boy from CrossDavid that moved here, met new people, having new friends, becoming Aphrodite's appointed knight and now a king.

"Oh how times have changed over these years" he said as he walked inside and headed towards the grand hall, along the way he got distarcted by his thoughts until he saw someone, his sister Pheonix and her fiance Edward. He questioned himself why are they here, and who invited them? Until few moments went by he heard a familiar voice.


Hello! Sorry it took a while to update, i was busy with school work but now since im on break i'll try to update as soon as i could, but knowing the story it'll take a bit. Eheh.. Welp have a lovely day/ night! :D

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