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Hiccup was fighting for every breath as Ryker held his neck up. "Where are you getting the gold?" Ryker asks. "Let him go!" Astrid yelled fighting against the hunters holding her like the other riders trying to help Hiccup. "I know Viggo said I had to keep you alive, but accidents do happen after all," Ryker said with a evil grin as he squeezes harder. Black spots danced in Hiccup's vision as his oxygen was cut off.

Suddenly though a blast went off hitting the club house. The giant hut shook and Ryker dropped Hiccup who coughs and hacks as he regained his breath. "What in tarnation?" Ryker yelled looking outside. He saw that the dragons had gotten out of their confinement's and were wreaking havoc on his hunters. What confused him though was.

"Who is flying that blasted Night-fury?!" He yelled. "Toothless?" Hiccup asks. Said Night Fury landed growling in front of Ryker growling with someone on top that made the Hunter confused. "What?" He looked between the rider and Hiccup on the ground. "Kai!" The dragon riders all cheered. Said person got out his katanas and smirks jumping off Toothless. "Thought you guys could use some help," he said cocky. Ryker got out his swords. "I don't know what's going on, but I'm gonna skin you alive," Ryker said.

"If you can even touch a hair on my head," Kai answers back with a 'come at me' face. Ryker charged and Kai was ready blocking his blow. "You guys get to your dragons I got this bozo," Kai said to them. They nodded and Tooth-less helped Hiccup up who was rubbing his bruised throat.

Kai dodged the next attack that came at him aiming for his head. "One Hiccup was bad enough now there's too of you?" Ryker asks as Kai deflects another blow. "What can I say? The more the merrier right?" I asked dodging another blow. I dodged his blows weaving around his swords like the fire I am known for. As I fight I can almost hear Sensei Wu whispering in my ear.

"Use your enemies strength against them until they have none left,"

I mentally thank master Wu as I do just that. I dodge and deflect his blows weaving around them with some difficulty I will admit. "Hold still will you!" Ryker yelled at me. "I would," I said dropping to the floor and narrowly missing a swipe that would have taken my head off. "But I doubt you could hit me if I was still," I said and kicked his legs out from under him. The guy fell to the floor with a loud grunt and I held my sword to his neck. He freezes and looked at me wondering if I was actually going to do it.

I was not going to do it, but he did not need to know that. Suddenly he looked behind me and I turned in time to see a dragon hunter with a arrow ready for firing. I swiftly dodged the arrow, but the hunter shot again lightning fast and this time I wasn't able to dodge.

Hiccup's POV

Thanks to Kai we had basically ran off all the hunters from the edge. But I was tense and worried about leaving Kai alone in there with Ryker.

I suddenly got a bad feeling and I knew I needed to get to the edge club house now.

"Toothless move," I ordered and got out my fire sword. Tooth-less did not question it and we landed at the club house to see a scene that will always haunt my nightmares.

Kai was on the ground bleeding from his right leg with a arrow sticking out while Ryker was crushing his left ankle. Despite the amount of pain Kai must be in he did not cry out or show it. "You put up a good fight," Ryker said. "And I would have won if you didn't cheated," Kai spat back. "I call it using my assets to my advantage," Ryker responds. "That's what all the cheaters say," Kai responds. Ryker laughed and lifted his sword, but I quickly got in the way and deflected it. I only just realized how close it was to Kai's face and that the sword was on fire, but when I pushed Ryker back and looked at him he was fine without a burn on his face.

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