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Hiccup, the two ninja, and the riders searched through the scrolls, text, anything to find a Buffalord dragon somewhere. Jay eventually hit his head against the table in defeat. "Wouldn't it be easier if we found Flame? She's cured poison and other smaller less threatening illnesses and we know for sure she isn't extinct," Jay said. Hiccup turns to him annoyed.

"Don't you think we've been looking? Finding all of you was pure luck, but we haven't been able to find Flame anywhere. Viggo's got her somewhere secured," Hiccup explains. Cole and Jay deflate at that news and the blue ninja looked miserably at the notes. "I wish I could be useful enough to read this," he said picking up some paper. "Like this stuff doesn't look close to writing. This looks like mountains, this looks like waves," Jay lists off in a ramble picking up more peices of the paper. He kept listing land marks and everyone looked up at him as he lists the stuff off. Ruff and Tuff joined in and also pointed out a few corrections.

"So wait this isn't writing?" Jay asks confused. "No this makes a map obviously," Ruff rolls her eyes. "Yeah how do you not see that?" Tuff asks. They put the pieces together pointing out landmarks. "How did you do that?" Snot-lout asks the three and Jay shrugs while the twins brag. "We are masters of interpreting abstract art," Tuff brags. "Watch," Ruff held up images as Tuff lists them all off easily even though none of them were close. It was concerning when he said "Mom" for a image of a oval.

"Remind me to have Zane look at their skull x-rays later," Jay whispers to Cole who nods in agreement and pulls Jay just a little closer to him for protection.

Something became familiar to Hiccup and he said. "Wait a minute," He gets a map out then puts the pieces in a different order that made more sense and got a location on the map. "We found it Hiccup we found it!" Fish-legs yells in excitement. Hiccup put his hand over the location. "We found a location," he corrects trying not to get ahead of himself. "Now let's hope to Odin they still exist,"

It was only five minutes before everyone was geared up to head to the location. Zane volunteered to stay behind to watch over Kai and Astrid both of whom had started turning a sickly pale green. Ember had blown some of her healing fire on them, the first time she had ever used it, and it had settled on their wounds that had infected them, but Zane stated it was only slowing it down and Ember was not old enough to heal them fully like her mother.

"We're fine we promise," Astrid protests before coughing weakly disproving her point. "I'm hot Zane I want ice cream," Kai whines like a child before coughing too smoke coming from his coughing as result of his powers. "Kai I can't give you ice cream," Zane said patiently. "But snowflake I'm hot, and not physically I mean temperature," Kai whines.

Zane sighs and turns to the others. "I think he's delirious better hurry," he said as Kai grabs onto his arm and pulled him down cuddling his arm like a stuffed animal since it was so nice and cold. Hiccup looks at Jay and Cole who both looked incredibly jealous.

Astrid grabbed Zane's other hand and pressed it to her forehead relaxing. "That feels nice," she said.

Zane looks back at them. "Just go," he said and they left to search for the cure.

Time skip

Half a days ride later the riders and two accompanying ninja.

They arrived at the island and touched down. The island was mostly filled with grassy plains and large rocky hills and probably had a stream of fresh water flowing somewhere. The place did not have a single tree the group could see anywhere and the same went for any other life than the grass and bushes.

"Man this place looks untouched," Jay said. "Not completely if the buffalord's here," Cole said. "Alright gang remember the Buffalord's were all hunted to near extinction so if there are any left they would have developed awareness to humans,"

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