New Dragon And New Friend

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Fish-legs was doing a routine scouting of the island. Heather has just officially joined the dragon rider team and Fish-legs could not love it more. And in a few days some people from Berk are coming to do a check up of the Edge including Hiccup and Snot-louts fathers.

"Alright girl we just need to check the volcano and make sure it's not going to erupt any time soon than we can go back to decorating the Edge for the officials from Berk," Fish-legs says excited. Meatlug also gives a excited smile and they flew too the volcano. They give it a check up every month to make sure it was still dormant or not erupting any time soon.

Fish-legs expected it too be like last time, but was not happy with the sight he found. He saw that the lava had risen. It was not concerning yet, but it could be if it continues like this. Fish-legs expected it before he realized Meatlug had walked off somewhere.

"Where you going girl?" Fish-legs asks. He followed his beloved dragon to a cave. "Odd I've never seen this cave here before," Fish-legs said. He heard a loud snoring a squeals in fright before realizing that if whatever was snoring must be asleep and he knows his dragon snores and that was not a dragon he has heard before.

"I should get the others," Fish-legs said looking at the exit. "But I just got to see if there is a new dragon," He said excited and went further into the cave followed by Meat-lug. "Oh no girl you wait outside," Fish-legs told his dragon. The gronkle nodded and went outside to guard the entrance. Fishlegs went deeper in when he found the source of the snoring. To his delight it was a asleep and it was a new dragon! He whisper squeals in delight.

"A new dragon! Oooooh This is incredible!" Fish-legs said the rush of finding a new dragon never failed him. He walked over to the dragon and inspected it. He had never seen a dragon like this before.

He could see its body was similar enough to be compared to a Monstrous Nightmare like Hook-Fang, but still different enough to be viewed as completely different. It also could be seen as a body combination of a Deadly Natter and a Monstrous Nightmare and Fish-legs vaguely wonders if it was some type of hybrid dragon of the two. It's body scales were a dark reddish brown while it was lighter around the edges of the wings that could possibly match a Typhoomerang only it was clearly smaller. What set Fish-legs off was it's head. It had gold scales on its head that had spikes, but not like a Deadly Natter it looked more like it was a part of its scales that bones although Fish-legs knew it would take further and closer expectations to be sure, but he did not want to wake up the creature. It's eyes were closed so he could not say anything about how it's eyes were, but it's teeth were big and sharp so it could not fully close its mouth. Each breath it took released smoke so it was definitely a classic fire breathing dragon.

Fish-legs wondered what it was doing so close to the volcano because the only type of dragon he knew of to get this close to a volcano was a Eruptadon that defended the defenders of the wing island.

As Fish-legs inspected the dragon he heard Meat-Lug.

Fish-legs knew this meant something was coming. Either the dragons mate or a different dragon that was fighting for territory. Either way Fish-legs did not want to get in between whatever is coming in so he hid behind some boulders. When he sat down he found there was a pile of daggers, small three tipped spears, and oddly shaped disks.

Fish-legs heard something coming in. He looked up seeing a person had come in carrying a dead boar over their back as he set it down. His attire also reminded Fish-legs of the defenders of the wing except it was red and lacked the black leather.

Fish-legs watched as he came over to the dragon and pulled out a dagger. Fish-legs was about to called Meat-lug for help when the guy just peeled off a few of the gold scales. He did the same to the other gold scales around the body before putting them all in a pile at the corner of the cave that Fish-legs had not noticed. He was angry because it looked like the guy was harvesting the dragon for its golden scales and might be a former dragon hunter that decided to keep what it caught.

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