Operation Frost

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Hiccup was calmly reading a book when he suddenly heard the high pitched squeal of Fish-legs. It did not sound like 'I'm in danger help me!' squeal, but more like a 'someone is messing with my research and/or messing with my rock collection!'.

Still Hiccup got up to see what it was. He passed by Astrid's hut and she was in there looking over her weapons. Rather not facing the brunt end of why she could need a weapon Hiccup arrives at Fish-legs hut to see what he was screaming at. Turns out it was Kai he was screaming at. Kai was sat at a large oak table with a few various Viking food Hiccup recognized from when his father took him to a chiefs meeting that had a lot of eating a feasting. Kai though was holding a pair of small skinny sticks in his hands and he was taking bites out of something small by putting it in between the sticks and popping it in his mouth. While Hiccup did find that unusual he did not understand why Fish-legs was freaking out about it.

He looked at said Viking and saw he was picking up charred forks, knives, and spoons.

"So what happened?" Hiccup tried to mediate between the two. "I was just telling him how to properly eat when," Fish-legs began. "I called him annoying a Ember here agreed with me and set the table wear on fire," Kai said petting his dragon resting on the table. "Who wants a piece of fish?" Kai asks and held up some raw fish for his dragon with the two sticks and who hate said fish happily.

"That dragon is out of control!" Fish-legs states. "And I bet I could take much better care of it," He adds. "Yeah, but you ain't," Kai said with a smug look on his face. "I am trying to be helpful by teaching you the language of your ancestors and the customs that come with it," Fish-legs said. "And I'm eating how I want too. Also I am pretty sure the twins can't read their own names," Kai points out. Fish-legs was about to open his mouth then pauses as he had to concede to that point. "Look Fish-legs Kai's grown up in a completely different culture and just because he was born on Berk it doesn't mean he needs to follow any of our customs," Hiccup explains. "Yeah," Kai then burps loudly and rudely before biting into more bread with the two sticks. Fish-legs looks at him with a nearly red face. "Umm Kai aren't you supposed to say something?" Hiccup asks. Kai looks at Hiccup and then Fish-legs confused. "What?" He asks.

"You are so disrespectful!" Fish-legs yelled storming off. Hiccup looked at Kai who looked at him. "I was being polite," He defends. "You burped louder than Meat-lug," Hiccup said. "And? In some parts of Ninjago it's actually considered rude not to burp because it shows that you enjoyed the meal," Kai explains to Hiccup. "And the two sticks?" Hiccup asks. "Chop sticks we have knives and forks, but it's rude during big meals not to use chop sticks. Also Fish-legs started saying how I couldn't write and I had to have had horrible education so Ember here blew fire," Kai nuzzles his beautiful baby dragon.

"Well can you read and write?" Hiccup asks. "Yeah give me some paper," Kai said. Hiccup pulls out some paper he keeps handy along with a pencil. Hiccup watched as Kai started writing and was quite surprised by the style. Instead of moving across the page he went down before moving his hand back above and going down again. The symbols were also looking very complicated, but Kai wrote them down fluently and it was something Hiccup found fascinating.

Once done Kai picks up the paper and shows it too Hiccup. "It says," he began. "No wait," Hiccup took Kai to Fish-legs hut where said rider was. "Fish-legs," Hiccup calls and he looks up to see Hiccup and Kai there. Fish-legs glares at Kai expecting a apology. "Not giving a apology for you saying the way I ate is primitive," Kai said. "Merely only using two basic sticks to eat is not proper! And burping that loud is not either," Fish-legs glares. Kai leans over to Hiccup. "Yeah that was mostly to spite him," Kai admits. "Tuff-nut actually got him and Ruff married for a day last time he tried teaching manners. You think he would learn by now," Hiccup and Kai snicker quietly.

A Viking Chief's twinsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें