Icy Depths

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Dagger stood up on his green gronlke and gestures behind him. Behind him, despite the warm weather, was a lake the length of two football fields frozen solid.

"How is that lake still frozen?" Zane asks going over to the edge and tapping against it. Dagger shrugs since he clearly had no idea.

"Okay everyone! The aim here is to be the first to the finish line. Simple I know, but hey it's fun watching people fall," he laughs at himself again. "Anyway! I'm giving everyone fifteen minutes to put on ice boots or whatever so they don't fall and just so you know it's basically impossible for this ice to break," he said then let the contestants go ahead to prepare.

Most started putting on spiked boots and Stoic was about to ask Gobber if he brought the spiked boots for Kai. The Berserkers always did this trial so the tribes came prepared.

Before he could ask however he saw Kai putting on 'unusual' shoes. They were leather looked hard with blades attached to them at the ends that faced the sharp end.

"Son? What are those?" Stoic asks Kai. "Ice skates," Kai answers as he ties the laces. "I brought them from the bounty when I found out about this trial," Jay said proudly. Kai stood, but felt over and Cole quickly caught him. The other tribes laughed at him.

"Ha! Berk will let anyone be the next chief," Ragnar of Halfdun laughs at him. "Son please wear the spiked boots we brought," Stoic pleads with his son. "I'll be fine dad," Kai responds with a roll of the eyes. "Hiccup please talk some sense into your brother," Stoic said to Hiccup. "Actually I'm pretty curious to see how this will work out," Hiccup admits making Stoic groan at being humiliated.

Fish-legs noticed Zane was feeling across the ice with a confused expression. "What's wrong?" Fish-legs asks. "This ice, it feels different," Zane explains. "You can tell the difference?" Fish-legs asks fascinated. "Yes I can feel the components of ice, whether it's fresh water, salt water, freshly frozen, or ready to thaw, I can feel it, but this ice.....it feels like mine, but not mine?" Zane sounded genuinely confused.

He didn't have time to dwell on it though because Dagger got back on the podium. Stoic was clearly nervous as Kai stepped on the ice. "Don't worry dad I got this," Kai reassures with a grin. "Go Kai! Remember how to stop!" Jay yells and Kai looks over at him. "Don't worry Jay this isn't roller skating," Kai jokes making Jay laugh like a inside joke.

"Okay everyone," Dagger announces the count down. "Three, two, one......SKRILL!" Everyone fell over from slipping on the ice, including Kai and Heather. The outcasts laughed loudly having quite enjoyed the games so far. "DAGGER!" Heather and Kai yelled in fury at the chief. "Sorry, sorry couldn't resist," Dagger laughs. Then shouts. "GO!"

Everyone was still trying to get off the ground when he yelled it so it became a mad scramble to get up. Kai was having trouble getting back up on the skates and he was in last place.

Stoic curses his son's foolishness quietly while the riders and ninja cheered him on as he finally got up, but there was no way he could catch up to everyone else who was now half way across with Ryker in the lead.

Yohan comments smugly. "Your son is a dim as you," Stoic growls at Yohan about to throttle him when his one legged son yells pointing. "Dad look!" Stoic looks in the direction and too his shock Kai had just over taken Ryker on the skates using the momentum to go as fast as a speed stinger.

"Woo! Go Kai!" Cole and Jay cheers with Nya trying to cheer too behind the gag in her mouth. She might not have the gag if she didn't try biting Ryker's fingers off. Ember lets out a roar too.

Kai crosses the finish line far ahead of any of the other contestants and he smirks confidently at the dumbfounded looks on everyone's faces.

"Hey slow pokes how much longer till you get here?" Kai taunts. When the other contestants had finally arrived Kai had taken off the skates and wore he usual shoes while Zane was off to the side examining the ice tapping on it and putting his ear to it like he was listening to something. Fish-legs was watching this diligently and writing stuff on paper. "Why are you doing that?" Zane asks. "Well your abnormal qualities deserve to be recorded," Fish-legs said smiling excitedly at having something new to study. Zane stood up on the ice with a annoyed expression.

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